state of the fannish me

Jan 23, 2005 22:54

Mostly thinking out loud in a place where I can find it later...

So merryish is forcing me to watch Stargate Atlantis, where by forcing I mean that she said "Arms! Arms!" until I caved, because I'm easy like that. And I'm enjoying it quite a bit, particularly since the slash goggles I was pre-fitted with are showing me stuff that appeals to me. See, Sheppard looks like a cranky little hedgehog, and McKay acts like a cranky little hedgehog, and I really like hedgehogs.

Am still completely filled with the Coldfire love. It's making me think about what it takes to make me fannish and keep me fannish, vaguely tying back to whatwickedwords was talking about in terms of elements that draw fans in. I have the snark, I have pretty visuals in my head (what with one of the guys being canonically described as having "an almost surreal beauty" and all), and I have at least three people I can quote lines from the books at and go EEE and they will go EEE back at me, and apparently that's all I need. Low-maintenance fan, that's me.

But then there is popslash, my never-ending soap opera, my long-term relationship. With the unfinished stories that I am resolved will actually be finished this year. Yes. I wish I could poke a button and turn on the sesa/yuletide writing madness ability when needed. And there's HP, which is more of a cyclic phenomenon, waxing and waning (please to make moon/werewolf joke here), but the same thing goes there, with the ongoing love and the unfinished stories.

I suspect, though, that my main fandom is fandom.

hp, sga, popslash, coldfire

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