I drank the Kool-aid again.

Nov 13, 2008 16:41

I was a bad, bad girl today and bought a new computer.

For a long time now I've had the creeping feeling that at any moment my more-or-less ancient Dell is going to bite the big one and take a pile of stuff that I value with it.  Plus, I've been wanting a laptop again since shortly after I bought the aforementioned tower (coming up on eight years ago -- eeep!).

So, now there is a tee-nine-cy MacBook patiently waiting in the corner.  My dad, one of the original Mac fanboys, will be proud.  Our first computer ever was an Apple IIe that I loved to use to play Pong.  (See -- I really am an old codger.)

I am both excited to have a new toy and slightly nauseous that the credit card balance is going the wrong direction.
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