yet more notes

Jan 14, 2007 22:51

And now it's time foorrr...
Things I need to Follow Up On when I get Home:

- Neko Case : John saw that number - Need to find this, and take a listen.
This one's music choices usually point in directions I like. At the very least, they do when she is waxing poetic blog-wise: This time she's managed to get at edge-wise the reason I refuse to write off christian spirituality.

- Flappers, Bootleggers, "Typhoid Mary" and the Bomb: An Anecdotal History of the U.S. from 1923-1945 - this must be in the library somewhere! I keep running across the title. I suppose I should check out Guns, Germs, Steel while I'm at it. Off to the good 'ol Library for me.

- Q20 can't guess Sea Cucumber! neither could I, but who cares? I tried it 5 times in a row (what can I say? I was at work and more bored than usual), and it still didn't learn. That I could do. This made me think of something - what would be interesting was if Wikipedia had a popup hotlink for showing an entry's Q20 tags.

- Someone's invented a (relatively cheap - $2400) Desktop Fabber!
It reminds me of a chapter of Themepunks (which everone in the world should read. I say that about so little, but there - I've said it), and one of the startups "Kodacell" funds. Now I want one. I'd have no good use for it, but man, talk about seeing the future. I've got to watch this things develop. I'm sure I'll hear about them again.

Then, linked from there was an article that also caught my interest:
- 3D printer to churn out copies of itself. The title says it all really. Someone's creating a design that could be open source or modifiable, and that could be used on an existing printer to create new one.
Talk about bootstrapping! I love it, even if it is kind of pie-in-the-sky. It shouldn't be, but who will fund the development of something that will ultimately reproduce itself? this is a world of planned obselescence.

The article takes special pains to cite people who obviously don't get it: "He adds that even if all its components could be replicated by the machine, the concept does not make economic sense. "Many of the components could be produced much faster and cheaper by other machines," he says." MISSING THE POINT! gah. speed and per-unit production cost are not everything. Required set up investment and independence are both important.

last one:
- proper use of an atlatl - need to make one of them and try it out.
They were so very entertaining. in a ohmigoditsgoingtohitthatcar type of way). I don't know what made me think of it. I do know that this intstructional picture is not as helpful as it seems.

creativity, ponderings, notes from work, music, books, links

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