Note to self -
This is why you keep the FlickrBlog in your "Check(daily)" folder. Because every once in a while stuff like this comes up.
Wow. Photojournalism still impresses me. Ever since seeing National Geographic's photos of Kuwait oil fields after Desert Storm, and I was reminded of how much impact photos can have during my highschool (elective! Shame on administration!) World Issues class. And every once in a while i leaf through my Times Photos of the Last Century.
What has really kept that going recently has been the pictures I've found appearing online over the last few years or so. I'm glad I started looking for this stuff. I don't hang on and remember or save links to hardly enough of it. But many images I find online these days really affect me. The internet photo has finally really come of age, I think. I honestly believe Online Photo Album sites will truly make the world a better place.
I've really never pursued Photography myself, despite this interest, and also just a general interest in photo images. I don't know why. It puzzles me. That's been changing now that I have a digital camera, though. I was absolutely right last fall when I told my mom "I think that the thing I could get that would have one of the biggest impacts on my life would be a digital camera". It's really been adding to how I look at the world. I wouldn't say changing, but augmenting, for sure. :) I like that.