Unrelated to my post earlier today
The Thursday before Memorial Day, we had an important external schematic review at 8 AM. The business group we're being loaned to for this project had previously expressed concerns about the design's health. In an attempt to prevent more of the same, I was up until 2 AM cleaning up everything I could think of in our schematics. Apparently the effort paid off because we received several comments on how much better things looked. Later that day my manager called our team into a room and conferenced in our lead engineer in Oregon. He told us to spend Friday archiving all our work and roll on to a new project after the long weekend. All our hard work, and we don't get to tape out or boot the board anytime in the near future.
Tuesday afternoon, after the holiday, my manager once again calls our team into a room and conferences in our lead engineer, but there are a couple more people from our group present. The news this time is that effective pseudo-immediately, we'll be reporting to a new manager. He's in Oregon. I think I've said "hi" to him once before. Our program manager/my technical mentor still reports to my old manager which is a little weird. I suppose the reasons for the re-org make sense, but I'm not exactly thrilled about this change.
Also, I decided not to follow up with Cisco's request to submit my resume, but I never got around to mentioning that. I think I've managed to vent most of the frustration that made it so easy for Jason to talk me into meeting his manager. New frustrations are rising though! Many thanks to
jlee7113; she's had to put up with more of my whining than anyone should ever have to. I should still update my resume though.