The problems with being lazy is that old put up or shut up dilemma. Much like Trump's wall. We - or at least Trump - sees the wall as being a way to keep immigrants from jumping the border fences or climbing over them.
What if the problem were zombies?
I think that is what the zombie movies and zombie books is really all about - unwanted and uninvited beings attacking and/or entering our borders.
What if zombies were streaming across our borders and we (Trump) wanted to keep them out? Trump said Mexico would pay for the border fence, but now it seems as if that is the top salesman's imagined dream - delusion - wish.
Substitute zombies for illegal immigrants and the picture changes.
The United States of America is not an embattled population fighting off zombies, but a sovereign state that has not (and will not) passed socialized medicine. That goes against our (America's) grain. We believe in the highly competitive marketplace of the single payer system. "But the payer does not own the doctors or the hospitals or the nurses or the MRI scanners." That quote comes from the Washington Post and was written by Ezra Klein.
Well, you will say, socialized medicine is not the same as building a wall to keep out illegal immigrants.
Isn't it? I beg to differ.
The Democratic party wants to open all borders and let immigrants come freely into any country on the planet regardless of their behavior or their needs. After all, Canada has socialized medicine, and so does most of Europe. Immigration was no problem when Angela Merkel, chancellor of Germany, opened her arms and welcomed the hordes of Muslims to her door. Justin Trudeau, current president of Canada, opens his arms and welcomes all immigrants - no matter who or what they are. All are welcome, he says. But Canada and Germany both have socialized medicine - as do most of the western European countries. The UK similarly opens its arms and welcomes the Muslim hordes to its shores - and welcomes the Muslim hordes to their socialized medicine with equal affability, which is why there are hordes of Muslims living in the UK battling for recognition and setting off bombs while assassins murder their people wherever - as in the Ariana Grande concert where 22 fans died and 59 fans were wounded. The attack was perpetrated by a suicide bomber - a Muslim suicide bomber.
Similar attacks have ravaged Europe since the refugee Muslims from the Middle East and Africa, among other countries, fled to the relative safety of Europe. Muslims have been welcomed throughout Europe where suicide bombers have attacked Paris, the UK, and other cities throughout the world. Even Canada has dealt with the terrorist attacks as has the USA when a lone Muslim gunman attacked the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida. The gunman was Muslim, but was carrying out the dictates of his Muslim beliefs when he gunned down 49 49 and wounded 53.
America has not escaped terror attacks. A Muslim couple gunned down employees where the man worked in San Bernardino and two young Muslim men set off a bombing at the finish line of the Boston Marathon. Tamerlan Tsarnaev died, but his brother, Dzhokhar, three other acquaintances relative Ibragim Tsarnaev were implicated and arrested.
Then there was the Army psychiatrist, Major Nidal Malik Hasan, at Fort Hood, Texas who gunned down 12 and wounded 31. He was a Muslim, born in Virginia, but was not happy about his deployment to Iraq.
Noting the Arabic nature of the gunman’s name, the Council on American-Islamic Relations, a Washington interest group, condemned “this cowardly attack in the strongest terms possible and ask that the perpetrators be punished to the full extent of the law.”
”No political or religious ideology could ever justify or excuse such wanton and indiscriminate violence,” the council said in a statement. “The attack was particularly heinous in that it targeted the all-volunteer army that protects our nation. American Muslims stand with our fellow citizens in offering both prayers for the victims and sincere condolences to the families of those killed or injured.”
Talk is cheap, but the facts begin to show the danger of immigration - legal or illegal. These immigrants are as dangerous as a zombie apocalypse. The difference is obvious - or it is not. Zombies are mindless corpses with the drive to eat human flesh or brain - depending which authority you follow in zombie literature. It's rather like the difference between which news service you follow - the world news or the US news. President Trump believes the US news, which can be co-opted and is at the beck and call of whichever power (political or oligarch) controls the funding, or even which puppeteer is pulling the strings (the celebrity powers that be - Harvey Weinstein, Clintons, Bushes, Cosby, or Obama), which is really the same thing. Substitute zombies craving human flesh or brains with Muslims, illegal immigrants, or mentally ill terrorists and the result - outcome - is the same. Death and terror.
If Stephen King had written The Stand during these times, the invading evil might well have been illegal immigrants or zombie hordes instead of the flu that kills more than the usual and more natural 10% of the Earth's population, decimating the medical system, and throwing the population back to a more primitive state where nuclear bombs would leave the planet a burned out cinder instead of plunging us into yet another Dark Age where the remaining life on this planet would be mutated by the nuclear fallout and residual nuclear contamination of this, our Earth.
In the end, whether the fence is built to keep out illegal immigrants or zombies, it must be built and we, the people of the United States, must quash our political differences and build the fence to keep the US borders safe from being over run by whomever - or whatever. We cannot keep out the plague such as Stephen King imagined when he wrote The Stand because plagues cannot be kept out by fences. Not even being overrun by zombies as in the zombie apocalypse can a fence protect us as the walls surrounding enclaves where humans live unmolested and we, the people, have no Rodrigo de Bivar (El Cid) to bring together the Muslims who have become a part of the country's population as they did during the time of El Cid to battle the African hordes bent on jihad streaming up from Africa
In the end, whether the fence will be built (if it will be built by Trump in his desire to keep the illegal immigrants out), the fence will have to include funds obtained by whatever means (taxes, tariffs, or payments to live, which Islam calls dhimmitude and the Spanish Inquisition called conversos. Torquemada did his best to convert as many Jews as possible or they were sent to the fire (auto-da-fe). The only other opportunity for Jews during the Inquisition was to flee to Turkey where Caliph Bayezit took them in and allowed them to pay the dhimmi tax (payment that allowed Christians and/or Jews to retain and practice their religion).
Here in the USA, we require immigrants to legally immigrate or be marginalized by being illegal while feeding off the social teat (Welfare), their children becoming American citizens if they are born here in the US where they will by birth claim all rights of a US citizen though their parents sneaked across the border, defying our immigration laws, and taking from us, the US citizens, all they can get by right of birth - rather like Caliph Bayezit of Turkey who took in the Jews when they fled Spain in order to continue to practice their religion and beliefs, for which they paid dhimmitude to Bayezit.
Islam had a hand in Adolph Hitler's Final Solution and Jews, gypsies, and Christians - as well as other undesirables - were sent to relocation camps, lined up, gave up their money, jewels, portraits, and all property which reverted to the state - Nazis fled to Argentina with their booty (goods stripped from gas chamber victims, right down to the gold in their teeth) and lived in luxury until the social revolution caught up with them or Simon Wiesenthal and other Nazi hunters made them pay for their atrocities in blood.
Will Trump follow Hitler (and tax the invaders) or Bayezit who enriched his country and the ultimate Ottoman expansion of Islam with dhimmitude? Or will Trump follow Jefferson's example and welcome the immigrants of the caravan, folding them into our population, doling out Welfare much the same as socialized countries like Canada and Europe, or refuse to accept immigrant children born on American soil as full US citizens? Basically, it is a question of doling out Welfare to illegal immigrants and accepting their children born in the US as citizens with voting rights and free access to Welfare, food stamps, and such. In a sense, the USA is socialized sufficiently, especially with Welfare, food stamps, and such. Though the USA and Trump do not believe in socialized medicine, they do believe that a person's hard work will be rewarded, and that is also true in socialized countries where the rich can afford to jump to the head of the socialized medicine list and get what they need without the constant waiting and endless hurdles that must be clambered over to get that social medicine - or the eventual collapse of the socialized medicine framework as it has in the UK and throughout Europe under the onslaught of Muslims who continue to breed more children with multiple wives and/or rape Christians, Jews, and undesirables and seeding them with future Muslims - or in this case the onslaught of the caravan with its children, women, and men migrating north to escape the oppression and poverty of their home countries.
It comes down to morality. You can save one person by allowing them access to medical care or treating 100 people by providing access to social medicine. It is rather like the dilemma I face every day where $19 will help wounded warriors, children with cancer or birth defects, senior citizens down on their luck and forcibly retired, or animals dealing with inclement weather, starvation, and/or abuse. I would help them all if it were left up to me, but I am hampered by my limited social security and having to pay $37 every time I let sentiment and morality take precedence over the need and desire to work and contribute with the remainder of my strength and time. I would rather use my talents to speak my mind and change ideas and hearts and not fall into Trump's abyss by tweeting everything that comes into my mind and heart.
Trump is the President of the United States, the leader of our democratic country of we, the people, and head of the Armed Forces who has a quixotic relation to the truth (in the news or from himself) and he has pledged to build the wall to keep our borders strong against the invading hordes of immigrants who are all too willing to travel hundreds of miles through dangerous and ill hospitable land just to enter illegally. They might as well be zombies when it comes down to it.
Zombies don't ask for citizenship or expect to vote and over burden our social services. Zombies only ask to feed on our flesh and scrape brains from our bodies to feed their need. No matter what movies and television depict, the end result is the same. Death to the host and infection for all who come into contact with their ravenous needs. That is the aim of the Democrats whose desire to use the illegal immigrants to boost their ideology and enrich their status. The result is Maxine Waters living in a million-dollar mansion and not within the area where people voted for her, Bill and HIllary Clinton living off the proceeds and tainted blood from convicts that infected recipients with AIDS and hepatitis and the possibility of pregnancy when raped by Bill or drugged into a receptive state and raped by Bill Cosby, Harvey Weinstein exacting sexual favors for a part in a movie, and the list goes on. It all comes down to morality, which translates into the politics of government and sexuality. We choose one person - or thing over another - and often the determination is determined by the individual's morality and ethics - or the individual politics. No matter what or why these United States of America were conceived, our forefathers believed that we, the people, were ultimately responsible for our own individual ethics and morality.
The Constitution and the laws of this land lead the way and we individuals must follow their beliefs into the future where our morality and ethics blaze forth from our shining city on the hill - no matter who is in residence.
Ultimately, whether or not we build the wall, no matter who funds it, we will hold true to our moral principles and personal ethics no matter which party or individual sits in the Oval Office.
I blanched when I heard that some writer had ruined Pride and Prejudice by adding zombies, but what I found was zombies that actually fit into the classic penned by Jane Austen.
Zombies or illegal immigrants? What is the difference in the end?
That is all Disperse.