Wow, such fast response skills! I was like, "wow did I fuck up coding to get a reply so fast?".
MOFFAT'S WRITING UNF. He's not as honed at this point obviously but I just love Press Gang's writing so much. I can quote entire scenes because they're just so brilliant. Moffat just goes nuts with the wickedly clever banter here and it's glorious (and occasionally plays around with the narrative and whatnot).
I hadn't watched this before but it's so cute seeing all these actors I recognise as kids aww! I have about 5 different TV shows to watch this summer but I'm going to try this out too :)
Yeah, it's cute. Though this show was the first I ever saw most of them so seeing Lee Ross or Dexter Fletcher as *gasp* adults is weird for me in a way. I so strongly associate them with this show.
Comments 4
MOFFAT'S WRITING UNF. He's not as honed at this point obviously but I just love Press Gang's writing so much. I can quote entire scenes because they're just so brilliant. Moffat just goes nuts with the wickedly clever banter here and it's glorious (and occasionally plays around with the narrative and whatnot).
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