(no subject)

Jul 11, 2004 22:56

I've been downloading episodes of Pride and Prejudice, in the last few days after getting sick and tired of my Bollywood downloads constantly failing. Everything's so good in this series. Maybe an Austen fan more elitist than me wouldn't find this series so enjoyable, but I'm quite happy with the liberties they've taken. All the important dialogue is true to the book. I find most, if not all, actors very good in their roles. &Spotting known actors, like Dawn from The Office in the role of Charlotte Lucas' little sister, is fun.
Mmm, Darcy.

I find it rather odd that the only person I've ever fangirled Colin Firth with, is a 19 year old straight boy from California who can speak Java.

Yeah. Java.

Other hot stuff; oh, I don't know, maybe the fact that there's been new scans of Japanese magazines featuring RENO, RUDE, RED XIII, AERIS PLUS CID in their whole new CGI! ASDF;JKHGFZ;CKAJFIWJUFJ!!!

Rude looks so. Tough. I love it so much. Reno looks so Reno I think I'm going to explode out of happiness. The scar looks odd, but WHO CARES, it's Reno, his hair is red. Now I'm just keeping my fingers crossed for Elena. I swear to god, CGI-Elena might just be so pretty I would die.
I love Turks oh so much. And the scanlations hint that Turks are going to be working side-by-side with Cloud and his crew. Which would be teh awesome. What is Reno driving?

Square-Enix is killing me with this stuff. And Tifa looks so pretty in the HUGE scans [page 2 to be specific]. Heartheart.

And Aeris? Eegad. Prettyprettypretty.

Nanaki, there's just one photo, but he looks damn cool & hope he's featured more than we've seen so far. AND CID. Oh. I'm so excited/nervous. Excited because CID, one of my favourite playable characters in an FF-game EVER and nervous because his original CGI was so un-Cid like it killed me. Because Cid is supposed to be good-looking in his own, very rugged, very badass-old-man-sort of way. Where's the cigarette? Has he quit smoking?

And then there's the new things we find about the plot; the stuff about this kid called Denzel. But right now I'm too high on sugar to think about these things coherently and analyze and try to guess what it all means, because...


I really really really hope they haven't cut Elena out of the film. But I fear that in their mind, Elena isn't such a kickass girl, they might've made her resign or maybe they just don't care, but wah wah, she's my favourite Turk.

And what about Before Crisis, the mobile game featuring Turks? I talked to a girl I came to know on FF.net, who wrote kickass Turks-fanfiction and we talked about BC & AC & the original game and she said she's hoping there'll be an emulator version online (of BC) and a fansubbed version of AC and then she'll just download both of those. I could maybe wait for the American release of AC, but I couldn't get it to work on my XBoX unless I'd buy one of those mod chips that cost like 30 euros and then getting someone in the States to buy it for me & send it to me... Too much friggin' trouble. Plus I have a feeling the English voice actors will suck.

Moving on. Club!Act One, the tv-show was shown for the first time today and damn, I wish the whole show was just stand up comedy, because some of the sketches just didn't work... On the other hand, some of them were good.

Watched Edward Scissorhands & Kill Bill, Vol 1 with sysis yesterday. Edward was just as good as I remember (even better, considering how little I remembered of it) and Kill Bill was.. Well, like it couldn't decide whether to be an artsy film or a pure kickass-film, so it decided to be something in the between, a movie trying to say all these things but not really saying anything at all. So, you know. Interesting.

It was actually the first Tarantino-film I've seen. If you don't count the 15 minutes of Jackie Brown I saw before mum told me to go to bed.

final fantasy, films, tv

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