I'm going to try to make these little pimp posts throughout the year for various things I enjoy. They may be quirky non-English things you might need subs for (heaven forbid!), ranging from music to television to films, for all I know I may even recommend a book or two.
QI aka Quite Interesting is brilliant British comedy panel show hosted by Stephen Fry, where the questions and the discussions concern - as the title would suggest - quite interesting factoids from the wonderful world of knowing. Points are given for interesting answers and taken away for obvious ones (that are more than often false).
You really have to watch it in order to get why it's so fantastically entertaining, but lucky for you, there are plenty of clips on youtube I can share with you here:
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The permanent panelist Alan Davies shows off his own rare breed of wit:
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And there is really nothing like the panel members teasing Stephen for being posh:
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On the subject of Beer Goggles:
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And a total must-see, "pink polenta":
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Stephen showing off his repertoire of questionable quality accents:
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And last but not least, as an example of the kind of craziness that QI sometimes becomes, "They say of the Acropolis where the Panthenon is..":
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Want more? Youtube has plenty of episodes,
for example on this account &
this one (go back some pages) and
Guba.com has plenty of episodes (search for QI and some number, it'll come up with a list of at least most of the eps they have up there). For more legal ways, there are Region 2 DVD's of the show's previous series available & UK people may watch the new episodes on their tellies or maybe on the BBC website as well. The latest episode airs tonight 9PM GMT.
Especially series 3 (or C, as it is called in the world of QI) is good, I've been told (I have seen most episodes but maybe not enough to compare the series).
Here's a link to 3x01.
And now ... space porn!
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