That is,
Nodame Cantabile is a
Japanese drama of 11 episodes, a crazy and sweet romantic comedy from the world of classical music, based on manga of the same name. I did a
squee post earlier but basically, it has the nuttiest, funniest manga-style comedy, an adorable couple who could not be more different from each other, lovable side characters and after you watch it, you're guaranteed to start thinking classical music is better than ice cream.
And really, even if you're not interested in the drama in the least, it's criminal to miss out on the hotness of the male lead. Seriously.
Needless to say, NOT DIAL-UP FRIENDLY. And may contain minor spoilers.. Nothing big, though.
(Pictures gacked mostly from the drama's soompi thread. Most screencaps are by Shinobu @ soompi but some are by the lovely
PART I: Hi we're an awesome drama cast!
First some awesome OTP-centric pictures..
Then there are the awesome side characters whose hair will freak you out at first (say it with me, "so manga!") but who you're bound to grow to love..
Blond guy = Mine, crazy afro guy = Masumi.
There's also a conductor/teacher whose looks would just turn you off so instead I'll show you..
Kiyora! She's awesome. Plus I just like the pretty picture.
It's quite a big cast of the characters and what definitely surprised was how fond of each of them I became in the progress of the drama.
Last but not least, a cutesy wallpaper I found:
PART II: Chiaki+Nodame uber alles
What's a drama without an OTP? Especially one as adorable and peculiar as Nodame and Chiaki. While the peculiarity might not come off well from these pictures, the cuteness will and the angst will (don't worry, it's the best kind of angst) and Chiaki's reluctancy to tell her he loves her but his looks tell the whole story omg.
It's a damn awesome pairing. I'm going to quote
phasera who put it so well: [Chiaki] is a fantastically gifted, serious, and dedicated musician; [Nodame] is a fantastically spastic, crazed, and sloppy girl (who happens to play piano beautifully). Obviously, their love is written in the stars.
It so is.
Kotatsu love!
Chiaki's bedhair! <3
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The Puri Gorota hand puppets are so awesome.
Their dates win!
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I'm usually not a sucker for angst scenes but this scene owns me so so much. I love it more than any other drama angst scene. It's heart-breaking and amazing and showcases the pairing so beautifully and ohmy. ♥
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Her face! His face! Omg, could this drama own any more?
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PART III: Nodame owns your face
Ueno Juri, the actress who plays Nodame, has the most amazing, beautiful face and the funniest weird expressions but sadly I mostly have just the screencaps of the pretty faces. Just as well, though..
Oh my heart breaks for Nodame.
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♥ ♥
PART IV: Why aren't all conductors/pianists this hot?
Chiaki's not just an amazingly ace character because's he's amazingly uber and thus owns everybody and is hilarious and adorable, he's also played by Tamaki Hiroshi, one of those guys whose hotness will melt you into a puddle.
No, really.
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Dear Japan, arigatou gosaimasu for fanservice. I can almost forgive you for panty vending machines now. Almost.
PS. More plz.
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And then the "angsty face" selection...
Conducting - it's the new black!
And my personal favourite: the various eh?/WTF/what the bloody fucking fuck is all this batshittery around me?-faces!
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He's a bit afraid of flying...
There are so many more but sadly, time is limited and I couldn't find all the best ones.
Chiaki smiles - rare and precious...
Then there's the upgraded variation - smiling while sweaty.
So, to sum up - awesome drama, check it out if you're at all curious.
edit: OMG I'm an ass for forgetting Photobucket's resizing thingies. *smacks forehead* And now I can't bother re-uploading ALL of those. Oh well. Made some pictures into links to the full size versions.
MASSIVE FAIL on my part, I know.