Oh, life.

Feb 25, 2004 22:05

I spent five entire minutes thinking of something clever to say about André Wickström (see icon) seeing as how I saw him live today and all that, but could only come up with the following.

André Wicktröm? Yes please, four. To go.

I just got the most disturbing meme, from lumen:

Eurgh, he's the guy who played Hulk. HULK for fuck's sake. Um, no.

Oh, surfing IMDb tells me he's done some comedy-acting in Australia. Which, you know, is pretty cool and all. But, um.

Speaking of films, that Jesus-film opened today in the States. Doesn't strike to me as very interesting, doubt I'll go see it. What I do need to do is go see some Oscar-nominated films. Lost in Translation or whatever.

Oh you know that feeling when you've had some great times, been to a really good show of your favourite, favourite band or have just seen a great, great film or have just laughed your head off with your friends and you think about what's just happened, the film or the show or the evening, you smile and you can't wipe off that smile, because you're still on this sort of idiotic happy high.
I'm on one of those & the last time I was on one it was just after seeing Kent last summer &was walking to the train station & christ I live for these highs.


films, fangirl, wtf

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