all fun, no work.

Sep 03, 2006 18:53

In case you haven't noticed, I don't have work until Wednesday. Which means shitloads of free time, which apparently translates to posting loads of livejournal entries nobody cares about. Hurrah!

There's this meme that's been going around, so I present Ten Unpopular Opinions from three fandoms: Harry Potter, Green Wing & Bollywood.

Ten Unpopular Opinions in the Harry Potter fandom

1. I don't care if Harry lives or dies. I mean, I do care about the end of Book 7, of course, but that fact? Not really on my mind too much. Die, live, have gay sex with Ron, I think I'll be happy with any scenario as long as the book's good.

2. Sirius is a fucking jerkwad.

3. So is Severus, but he's somehow more likable. Which is why it's going to suck if he turns out to be evil, because then it's like "Oh look Sirius can be a jerk but that's okay because he's a hawwwwttie! Severus being a jerk means omggggg eviler than evil itself!! HI SATAN!".

4. Hermione would so dominate Ron. Not in a kinky way, not necessarily. She's always telling him what to do, nagging as if they were already married. I see them having an equal partnership where he's still this sort of guy who wouldn't get much done if she wasn't there to tell him to do it. Ron's not spineless, don't get me wrong, but somehow I see her being top in their relationship. No fic agrees with me on this, except maybe one or two.

5. Canonically, Harry/Luna is the best pairing there is for Harry. It just sucks that Rowling never saw it.

6. Molly/Arthur would make the hottest fic ever, but no one writes it like that. Oh, I'm talking pre-marriage, maybe at Hogwarts, sneaking out to do things. Oh come on, it's in canon and everything. But no, when people sit down to write these two, it's always lovely dovey yay marriage bollocks. Do parents have to die young for fandom to realize they're hot?

7. The fandom should put down its symbolism and literature interpretation manuals down, or even better, burn them. Fucking children's books. Narnia? That's allegorical. Harry Potter? Yay magic! Siriusly.

8. Thing I'll mostly miss about HP books? Ron's sense of humor. Because there was nothing better than curling up in bed with a new HP book and giggling at something he said. The "funny Ron bits" are probably those that I've read the most in the books.

9. It would be fantastic if the HP fandom was to die. I'd love it. Imagining every HP fan dropping HP and leaving the fandom for some other fandom, that's almost better than porn. Why? Because then, two years of silence and suddenly we could have a nice, small fandom with like, one place for us to discuss the books and the like. I can't imagine what that would be like but I'm sure I'd love it.

10. All those cracky, really odd pairings? Mostly not funny. Sorry.

Ten Unpopular Opinions in the Green Wing fandom

1. Guy/Caroline is the hottest pairing ever. Sadly, this doesn't mean that Mac and Caroline won't end up together. And Caroline doesn't appreciate Guy, so it's all one-sided. But I love Guy and Guy's love. It's so lovely and creates funny situations.

2. Our fandom doesn't need blends, doesn't need manips, none of that shit. We have a fandom where for nearly EVERY single pairing there is canon stuff to go on. We've got kisses, we've got shagging, we've got tons and tons of screencaps, videos, quotes.. Why would we need a Mac/Caroline manip? Whyyyyyyyyyyy. Manips are mostly just ugly and should die.

3. Christmas is not that far away. I know you're dying. I know I'm dying, too, to see the funeral and omg what happens and how it all comes down but it's not that desperate. Fall/autumn goes by fast as days get shorter. Rejoice!

4. Sue White is funny as hell, but sometimes she's also just random and not all that funny.

5. Alan Statham is comedy gold. No two ways about it.

6. Script-fics are always a no-no. Our show's got a good team of writers. I don't think one person could create such dialogue, or at least dialogue good enough to keep up an interest for the whole of the fic. No, sorry. Do prose. Hell, do poems if you like, even limericks. Please don't do script-fics. So FFnet.

7. Oh man, having a tough time coming up with these. The fandom agrees about all the same crap! Mac is a cool, cool character but Julian is not hot. Sorry, but no. No daydreaming material.

8. Often I wish the fandom would drag out its DVD sets and start appreciatin'. There are so many awesome forgotten jokes in S1.

9. I don't think Boyce and Alan are "so in love" or together or whatever. I think it's a fabulous gag and I love all the little things pointing towards it but I don't think it's actually there. I think it'll be like, they just keep doing their thing until they both realize that their most meaningful relationship is with each other and things just sort of develop from there. In all honesty it's mostly just too weird for me to even think about. It's difficult for me to think about it *seriously* because it's just so funny.

10. I don't want to know about Tamsin's play. Or Steve's new show (not until I see it). Or a radio-play Mark Heap once did. Sorry. I just don't care and I'm not sure if these things have to be in the GW community.

Ten Seven Unpopular Opinions in the Bollywood fandom

1. Stars are fucking stupid. Nobody ever claimed they were rocket scientists but at times the sheer dumbness of some stars' quotes is mind-boggling to me. And I'm not being all biased on this, saying "This guy is brilliant because he's my favourite, this other guy is a doofus because he's not!", even my biggest favourites can and have been completely vapid in some interviews I've read. So dumb that indeed, I've been embarrassed. No examples because yeah, I try my best to forget about them. ;)

2. I hate superficiality in the BW fandom but yet I find myself advocating it. This bugs me enormously because I dislike people being judged, not based on what they do and how well they do it, but their looks. I don't think looking good is an achievement so I don't think it's an accomplishment if someone looks fantastic in some movie. And yet it's often talked about as one in the fandom and yeah, I find myself manifesting it as an accomplishment of some kind, or critisizing someone for the lack of such an "accomplishment". What the hell! I should be judging their performance, the fact whether they look good or not is completely irrelevant. Whether they look the role is a thing you can judge but beauty/hotness/handsomeness, those are not factors one should be focusing at.

I'm not saying this to appear holier-than-thou but before BW I don't remember being so judgmental over looks of actors/actresses in movies. I still like to think I'm not, not too judgmental at least. But I hate the fact that in Bollywood, looks is one of those things that completely affect my enjoyment of some film. Not dramatically, but somewhat. If a star looks great, it's a plus, if they look awful (read: not as good as they could look), it does hinder my movie experience somewhat. And I find myself not looking forward to movies based on looks or indeed anticipating them because of such superficial stuff. Gah!

3. I believe it's okay to like Esha purely based on her ancestry. And yet...

4. Esha Deol will learn how to act one day. I mean, really act. I mean, the kind of acting that blows you away. One day!

5. If Bollywood wank got reported, we'd be amongst the fandom_wankiest fandoms for sure. From the Kajol-SRK pagalis who waunt Gauri and Ajay dead to the general "I'll bash this movie because my favourite star is not in it, even though this movie is not even out yet!"-crap you see, not forgetting the "This actor is so bad! They're a disgrace to the Indian film industry!" type of exaggeration you see. Huge amount of bashing, huge amount of bashing of some star to elevate some other star. There is quite a lot unbelievable crap I've never witnessed in any fandom other than Bollywood. Thankfully I can avoid most of it by visiting semi-decent places..

6. I find it odd for me to fangirl someone Aamir Khan's size. Overall I think it'd be too shocking to meet some of these stars in real life and discover their incredible shortness. Sometimes it seems a relief that the silver screen doesn't reveal such differences, you can shoot someone a certain way in order for them not to seem too tiny.

7. Lack of success in the West doesn't fuss me. I think it sucks that I can't see BW in theaters but I'd rather it be this way than to hear every Finnish fangirl have wet dreams about Shahrukh or something. Of course, a healthy balance would be nice. Aka not everyone's a fan, but it's still more widely available and has its own niche audience.

There you go. :D

list, tv: green wing, fandom rant, harry potter, shipping, bollywood

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