Nov 27, 2005 21:22
There's apparently this meme where you post "brutally honest" opinions of people in anonymous comments & this is what I have to say about that.
I remember when Janet Jackson said that her mum always told her, "If you have nothing positive to say, don't say it." I belong to this group of people. Not that I have a huge amount of haters, I'm almost certain I don't, but I'm not interested in hearing any negative things my friends think about me because it does no good. I'm not going to improve myself based on criticism about my persona told by peoples on the internets so I see no point in subjecting myself to that kind of stuff - I'd just get angry or hurt or depressed or probably all of those - it wouldn't even be good for laughs. As far as critisizing others goes, I see no point in it, either.
Like the stuff people critisized one of my LJ friends in that thingy. That she's not real enough in her lj entries? Whoa, who gives a flying fuck! As far as I know, who I am online has never been something I hugely care about - does my LJ represent the real me? Maybe it does, maybe it doesn't. Overall, it hardly matters. If fandom people hate me? Whatever.
And it's not that I don't have anything negative to say about people, it's just that I choose not to because really, in the end it doesn't matter - they're on my flist because I like them enough to keep 'em there. And I tend to think, their LJs aren't who they are, either, so why should I complain about something TINY and meaningless that bugs me about their online behaviour? Talk about a waste of time.
I think these things can be fun to read, to see what people you don't know think about other people you don't know, but getting your friends involved and hearing stuff said about yourself. Yeah, probably not the coolest thing ever. Let's have a kissass anon meme instead, yeah?
fandom rant