ficlet: harry potter, neville gen, pg.

Jul 07, 2005 14:41

I think I used up all of my fic-writing inspiration with the early-morning-spam-of-doom so this is the last fic thing I post before HBP. I know I still have ficlets to write for chanond & savvyscamp. Sorry for the delay, guys.

come of age
fandom: harry potter
pairing: neville gen with a special appearance by theodore knott.
rating: pg
disclaimer: JKR owns.
word count: 380
notes: Because of what kenboy did. Dedicated to savvyscamp because she's getting her ficlet late. Post-War.

Neville doesn't feel like an adult but he blows the candles anyway. For show.

Ten of the eighteen candles are still burning. His hair is too long, it flops over his eyes and catches fire.

Definitely not an adult yet.

The wind is hard against his face. Fierce.

There's a contrast there. Weak, young Neville. Strong, ancient world. Two guesses who'll stand the longest.

He's in the cemetary, came to drop some flowers next to the tomb, shed a few tears and leave. What he always does, can't seem to break the cycle with anything. Dramatic weeping. The whole works.

Someone behind him is talking to a stone. Stupid. Sometimes it's just time for people to leave this world. It's sad but it's even sadder when someone's there but not there at all. Try visiting St. Mungos for 20 years. Try collecting gum wrappers. See how that feels like it.

He turns around. The stone says “Nott” in thin, aristocratic letters. Big stone. Great family.

“I'm not really sad they're gone,” the boy says. He's lying, Neville knows.

“The war?” he asks and the boy nods.

Liar. Big, fat, stupid Slytherin slash Death Eater liar.

Neville sighs, drops his flowers. Bye mum, bye dad. Love you.

“Lunch?” he asks the Nott. Why not. Time to make an effort. Form connections. Make the Sorting Hat proud. He doesn't even hesitate, attempts to show his confidence in approaching the Slytherin. The Slytherin because house labels last forever. Perhaps.

“No. But thank you,” the dark-haired boy, man, boy replies.

Not your day, Sorting Hat, Neville thinks. Never his day, either.

Harry calls. He and Hermione talked Neville into getting a Muggle phone, saying they're useful.

Neville thinks they're annoying but doesn't dare to say it out loud.

Harry talks and he's changed. Everyone's changed.

The war. Changes. Darker tones to everything. Names sighed because they're dead.

Dead dead dead. Neville's tired of it.

Gran can be really annoying, is really annoying most of the time, so he moves out.

Standing alone on his own two feet, he's not sure where to go.

He stands in place, waiting for life to run over him or give him a ride.

It seems like the smartest thing to do.


I didn't want to do an open ending but it felt like the only way to do this.

fic: harry potter, harry potter, fic

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