irony is ironic that way

Jun 08, 2009 03:27

This semester has been such a piece of crap. I hate that higher education still has unprepared/completely retarded teachers crawling out of the woodwork and doing their best to leave you unmotivated. Plus, I haven't managed to write anything I liked in forever, so you can add awesome feelings of incompetence to the mix.

So instead of writing, I indulged in good old BtVS nostalgia and hunted some fic. Somehow, I ended up reading Netherlands to Nepal. Now, I don't normally read Season 8 fic and Willow/Dawn is not listed among my favorite pairings, but the lure of crack!fic where Willow tries to fix giant!Dawn through magic sexy times? IRRESISTIBLE. Sex has never been this unsexy lol.

But anyway, the good thing about being sucky and uninspired is that sometimes the joke writes itself.

Right Leighton?

ETA: I didn't see this mentioned as often as it was last time (lol and like mentioning it here will make a big difference), but oxoniensis took the Porn Battle to dreamwidth this time around. Make the Pr0n Gods happy!

pictures, leighton meester, my suckage, uni: secondhand pot, bartzina's birthday gift so far is a tag, gayness, buffy season 8

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