
Feb 14, 2005 15:14

Despite all the confusion regarding Illyria and Faith, Wesley had found that his conversation with Willow to have helped his spirits immensely. Almost forgetting about Valentine's Day, he rushed to the florist's during his lunch hour to get something for his mother. After haggling a bit over the exorbitant prices, he settled on a large bouquet of spring flowers. Glancing once at the ubiquitous red roses and their exceptional price, he shook his head. He was trying to befriend Faith again, not embarass her. So, it was with the carnations and lilies that he exited the shop, nearly colliding with the person on the other side of the door.

Faith walked along the street, not really sure where she was going or why she was out. She just needed to walk. To clear her head. She'd spoken with Dawn, but outside of that, she'd been pretty reclusive and avoidy towards everyone else. Especially Wesley. Still being upset with him over their rushed wedding that she didn't agree with, her encounter with Illyria had only left her more angry and confused. Taking the last drag from her cigarette, she flipped it out into the street as she came across a flower shop. She stopped, studying the flowers in the window. Realizing it was Valentine's Day, she rolled her eyes and frowned. She and Dora weren't exactly what you'd call a couple any longer. In fact, they hadn't spoken at all since Faith had returned from the States. As she looked at the roses and carnations that adorned the window display, Faith smiled to herself, her thoughts drifting to Willow. Taking a deep breath, she entertained the thought of maybe getting a small bouquet of flowers for the other girl. Not just for the bond they'd developed but as sort of a thank you for being there and maybe as an attempt of an apology when she found out about the marriage situation. Might make the news a little easier to swallow. Yeah, right. Wonder if I buy myself some flowers it'd make it easier for me? Shrugging and deciding it couldn't hurt anything, she reached for the door just as it abruptly opened and the person exiting nearly ran her over. "Watch it! I mean, uh, sorry...I didn't...." She looked up, her eyes meeting the other person's. Her mouth curled into almost a sneer as she clenched her jaw. "Wes...." Her tone was cold and distant as she stepped back from the door.

Wesley looked over the bouquet of flowers almost hesitantly, having recognized the voice and the less-than-happy to see him tone of it. "Faith," he replied. "Sorry, I suppose I was lost in thought." This was far from the ideal encounter with Faith, and much, much too soon, as he was sure Willow would agree. But, there they were, and he decided he might as well offer the olive branch. "How are you?" It was as neutral and innocuous a question as he could think of.

The scowl still present on her face, Faith's eyes fell upon the flowers. I so fuckin' hope those ain't for me. Bringing her gaze back up to meet Wesley's, she shrugged, tilting her head as she studied him. "Five by five. You know me." The attitude and shortness was very apparent. Mostly because she was still somewhat angry, the anger coming from the mixed emotions she was feeling on the whole situation. It was just easier to settle on anger. It was what she was accustomed to. "You?"

"Good, good," he replied gamely, then shrugged. "All things considered, I'm doing well enough." Wesley lifted the large, and getting heavier by the minute bouquet. "Just getting something for my mother. Hate paying last minute prices, but with as busy as I've been, lately, what with school and Giles' sense of humor and..." His voice trailed off, realizing he was beginning to ramble. Wesley recalled finally a few actually important facts. "Have you spoken to Willow recently?"

Breathing a sigh of relief that the flowers were for his mother and not her, Faith relaxed somewhat. Not totally, but a little. She fought the smirk that hinted at the corners of her mouth as he started rambling, almost slipping into her old teasing banter with Wesley. Frowning, she crossed her arms over her chest. "No, actually a real funny thing happened on my way to catch up with Red. Found myself in a nice little fight with a smurf wearin' Fred's face. Coulda warned me about that shit. Seems everybody knew about that sitch but me."

Wesley sighed deeply. He'd been afraid of this, and there was nothing left but to face the music. "I apologize for that, Faith. Illyria... is a very long story in and of herself, but the important facts are that she is an ally, and very powerful, but far from acclimated to this world. I hadn't known about the... fixation on myself that caused her to seek you out, or else I would have told you earlier. I'd thought between Willow and myself, she would be more... contained." Wesley paused. "She didn't... hurt you at all, did she?" What he'd do if Illyria had, he wasn't sure.

Faith rolled her eyes. "Do I look like I'm hurt? I'm a Slayer, not some fuckin' dainty little girl Wes. Or did you forget? Wait, maybe you was hopin' that I'd be the happy little housewife and cook and clean and all that domestic shit." She laughed, the sarcastic tone hard to miss. "Keep on dreamin' Watcher Boy, that shit ain't never happenin'. You keep your little pet smurf outta my way and everything's cool. Got it?"

"We will do our best to keep Illyria in check," Wesley replied, slowly starting to tire of Faith's unfriendly attitude. "I simply wanted to know if you were all right. I might not be your husband for very long, but I'm still your Watcher and I thought I was your friend. I'm not allowed to be concerned?" He took a deep breath to keep his own tone as calm as possible. "And for the record, if I'd married you for reasons other than our mutual survival, I wouldn't have wanted you to change a whit."

Sighing, Faith suddenly felt that she was being unfair here. To some degree. Deciding to let down her guard a little, she forced a slightly apologetic smile. "Look this shit ain't easy for me." She shrugged, looking unusually sincere. "I mean, you drag me into somethin' that freaks the shit outta me and then expect me to be all cool about it. Just couldn't do that Wes. Really didn't have a clue how I was supposed to deal with it." Her gaze met his once again. "Guess I was just trippin' and takin' my anger out on you."

Wesley knew an opportunity when it came, and he heard one in the shift in Faith's tone and saw it in her expression. He nodded, returning a small smile. "Unfortunately, what the situation demanded of us was something I doubt either of us was ready for. I don't blame you at all for your reaction. I didn't think I'd ever be married, let alone under these circumstances." He accepted the near-apology with a nod. "In the interest of not holding back information any longer, I should tell you that both Giles and Willow know about... well, us."

"Yeah, I kinda filled Giles in on the sitch. He was gonna help me get it wiped out." A small grin tugged on her lips, her features softening as they continued to talk. "He gave me shit about it. But you know Giles, he's gonna cash in on any opportunity to fuck with me. Especially over somethin' like this." Her expression turned to almost concern mixed with a bit of panic. "You told Willow? Did she trip?" Frowning, she didn't want to seem too overly concerned, so she calmed herself and tried to cover her overreaction. "I mean, what'd she say? Please tell me that ain't another wrath I'm gonna have to face. 'Cause between me and you, the wrath of Willow?" She shook her head with a smirk. "Definitely ain't somethin' I'd like to ever have to face."

"You're not the only one Giles likes to tease," Wesley replied, having to smile at the memory of his office swathed in wedding decorations. "He, ah, did quite a number on my office at school-- paper bells, lace everywhere, even a cake-topper that was quite impressively accurate. He and I were the only ones who saw, so that should be it for the Academy." He watched Faith's reaction regarding Willow with careful interest. The two really had become very close friends, as he'd found. "No, actually, Willow took the news very well. I'm sure she'd like to talk with you about it, being your friend, but she seemed in quite good spirits about it all."

Faith laughed as Wesley told of Giles' efforts to tease him. "Man, he really went all out huh? All he did was give me some shit, but you? Dude, he totally fucked with you." She continued to laugh, totally amused by this. "Oh, hate to break it to ya Wes, but the whole fuckin' Academy knows you got married. Just not who you got married to. I stopped by to fill G-man in on the Smurf sitch and ran into the kid. She was tellin' me how you gettin' hitched was the news of the teen queen world. Whole lotta broken hearts out there now. All those teenage girls Wes. How could you do that to them?" She teased him, the heavy bitterness finally lifted. Taking out a cigarette, Faith lit it, glad to have the silence between them over. Because above all, he was her Watcher and they were friends. She stopped the teasing, taking a drag of her cigarette and raising her eyebrow, she was surprised to hear that Willow was happy about it>? She wasn't sure how to take that. She wasn't sure why she was worried either. "So Red was cool?" Her brow creased in confusion as she looked back up at him. "And you told her that it was just to keep from becomin' target practice for the men in black and all? She knows it wasn't for real right?"

"I knew that rumors traveled quickly, particularly through that Academy, but..." Wesley frowned. "Girls? What about the girls at the Academy? I've done what?" He shook his head in confusion. What on earth is she talking about? Hearts broken? "I'm a teacher, Faith, just what are you going on about?" He sighed, and joined her in moving on and, as far as he could tell, being grateful that they were communicating again. "Oh, yes," he replied to her question, "Willow knows the whole story-- Prudence, the armed men, all of it. She, uh... she, like Giles, thought it was quite funny, actually. I suppose everyone thinks the idea of you and I being married to be quite amusing."

Exhaling smoke into the air, Faith laughed as Wesley became slightly perplexed over the girls at the Academy and their broken hearts. "Oh come on Wes, like there wasn't some teacher at your school that you was totally diggin' on. Even I had a wicked crush on a few teachers. Hell, now I'm even married to one." She taunted with a smirk, nudging him with her elbow in a joking manner. "Maybe not for long, but you get what I'm sayin'." She took another drag from her smoke and dropped it to the ground, extinguishing it with the toe of her black boot. "Gotta say it is pretty fuckin' hilarious. Us...married?" Faith started laughing again, shaking her head in both amusement and mock disbelief.

Wesley wasn't sure how to handle the idea that students at the Academy might be infatuated with him, and at least for the moment, he decided to think on it later. He laughed along with Faith, though, and he was glad they were able to once more. "Well," he began, feigning uncertainty. "We have known each other for years... we are quite a good team, when we cooperate... " We apparently make for quite remarkable sex, Wesley added silently. "I think you and I at the very least should be friends." He paused, having an idea that spilled out of his mouth before thinking. "In fact-- and there's nothing untoward meant by this offer, I assure you-- I think I'd very much like to have dinner with my friend tonight. Not a date, of course, just... something... friendly."

Faith tilted her head, appearing to contemplate as she kept her eyes locked with his. She knew he hadn't meant for that to come out, but the truth was, the idea didn't repulse her. Instead, she grinned, nodding her head and adding a shrug. "Sure why not. Figure I'll let you buy me dinner since we are married and all." She lifted her fingers to her chin, twisting her mouth slightly as she pretended to think. "And hey, it is Valentine's Day, maybe I oughta hold out for some expensive gift or somethin' too?" She smirked with a wink. "Dinner's cool Wes, I gotta do a couple of things, then I'm all yours. Well, in the eatin' dinner sense anyway. Don't be gettin' any other ideas.” Maybe I oughta be tellin’ myself the same thing. Gotta stay away from the alcohol tonight. That’s for damn sure. She teased, laughing again as he nodded in agreement and turned to walk away. Turning to walk in the other direction, Faith looked towards the door of the flower shop. With a sigh, she stepped inside and made a small purchase.

Carrying the small vase of flowers, she approached the magick shop carefully, not wanting to be seen. Setting the flowers with no card outside the door, she grinned to herself and shoved her hands in her pockets before turning and walking back in the direction she’d came.
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