Posted to now_ish

Feb 10, 2005 14:17

((Continued from HERE))

I stood there with my arms crossed over my chest, eyebrow raised and my head tilted to the side, impatiently waitin’ for an answer. I knew what they’d been up to. I could fuckin’ smell how turned on they was in the air. All over both of ‘em. Mixed together. But I wanted to make ‘em say it.

‘Cause I could.

I had that power. And damn it felt good.

"I’m waitin’ here. Think I can get an answer sometime today?"

"Okay, okay... So there's been a little, uh, extracurricular activity going on. Didn't figure that either of us would grudge the other a little action, but--"

I curled my lips into a smirk. Didn’t figure Angelus for tellin’ the truth. But damn, gotta give the boy some credit there. I looked over at Lilah. She was scared. I could fuckin’ smell the fear.

Man I love that smell. Fear.

I got off on it. On knowin’ that just bein’ me scared the fuck outta her.

Out of pretty much everybody.

"Why does this place smell like there's been a zombie convention?"

Turnin’ my attention back to Angelus, I grinned proudly. I was diggin’ this power gig. Made me feel all superior or some shit. I thought about the little stunt I’d just pulled. My boys was probably havin’ a vamp feast right now.

"Angelus, I think your 'best girl' is about to 'clue us in' on that part."

Talk about statin’ the obvious. I rolled my eyes, shootin’ her a death look. She needed to back the fuck off and stop messin’ with the dynamic me and Angelus had goin’ on here.

"Yeah, I was gettin’ to that. Don’t need you fuckin’ runnin’ your mouth. Got it?" I shook my head, lookin’ back at him. "Anyway, me and the First? We had us a nice little chat. Seems everybody keeps forgettin’ who’s got the most power around here. In case you need remindin’, that’d be me."

I shot Lilah another look.

"Bein’ that I’m the one with all the power, it only made sense I be the one in charge. So now?" I grinned wickedly. "I am. In charge that is. As in, your boss. As in, you answer to me."

I tucked my hands in my back pockets, circlin’ around them and lettin’ it all sink in.

"Might wanna get used to it. Or...." I shrugged, the smirk never leavin’ my face. "You can be punchin’ bags for my zombies. Wait, maybe you’d be food..." I shrugged again, lookin’ a bit confused. "Really ain’t clear on what they do yet. Still tryin’ to figure that one out. Spike and Dru are findin' out though."

I laughed. This was too fuckin’ good.

"So....." I walked over to Angelus, runnin’ my hands over his chest and lickin’ my lips with a wink. "What’s it gonna be baby? You with me? Or you and the tramp with heels back there wanna go a few rounds with my boys?"

((Open to Angelus and Lilah))
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