(no subject)

Nov 15, 2004 02:37

Wesley pulled up to the pub, just about the first time he'd seen it in the daylight. He parked the car, on its first visit there, as well, and walked to the door. He'd called Faith to arrange meeting here before leaving for the airport. He spotted her leaning against the bar, a bag at her feet. "Faith, good. Ready to go?"

Faith finished off her second beer, trying to calm her nerves before this long flight. She wanted to seem calm before Wesley picked her up, so she'd came early in order to get a few drinks down. There was no way she was going to let anyone see her fear of flying such a long distance. It wasn't so much the flying that bothered her, it was the being locked in one space for such a long time. It reminded her of prison. Of being caged up. As she lit up her cigarette, knowing it would be several hours without one, she heard Wesley's voice and turned towards the door. "Ready as I'm ever gonna be I guess." She grinned, taking a long inhale from her cigarette.

"Excellent," Wesley replied. He reached into his jacket and pulled out a printed-out travel intinerary. "Our plane leaves in two hours. Two tickets, direct to Cleveland, which wasn't easy, I have to say. First class, British Airways." He glanced at the empty glass and half-full ashtray on the bar and raised an eyebrow. "Giles already knew we were leaving when I spoke to him, so obviously you saw him back at the house. No problems there?"

"Other than the fact that I thought I'd walked onto the set of some late night Skinemax feature, everything was five by five." She laughed, shaking her head as she thought about what she'd walked in on the night before. "I just told him I was takin' off, he wasn't too keen on gettin' the details. I was gettin' the impression he was mostly wantin' me to get the hell outta there and let him get his wriggly on with his chick." She took another drag of her cigarette before stubbing it out in the ashtray. Leaning down, she picked up her bag and slung it over her shoulder. "First class huh? Look at you, knowin' how to treat a slayer right." Faith winked, giving him a smirk as she shifted the bag and glanced towards the door.

Wesley suppressed a chuckle. Giles was as human as anyone else, and had his right to an actual relationship. "Good for Giles," he muttered, smirking. Wesley turned for the door as Faith picked up her bag. "I don't care if I did have to pay through the nose, we are not spending this long a flight in the flying equivalent of a Greyhound bus. Plus, I've heard enough about Cleveland to know we should get our luxury while we can." He led the way to the car. "I see you've already started the day... hopefully, then, you won't abuse the fact that we get free drinks in First Class?"

Faith followed him to the car, opening the door and throwing her bag over the seat into the back. She slid into the passenger seat and watched as Wesley got behind the wheel. "Me abuse the free drink system?" She rolled her eyes dramatically with a laugh, reaching towards the knob on the radio and scanning through the stations. "Who you think you're talkin' to here? Of course I'm gonna cash in on the free drinks. You paid some mad fundage for this trip, I'm makin' the most of it yo. Might as well drink 'til I pass out or somethin'. Don't tell me you ain't gonna drink?" She raised her eyebrow looking over at him as she continued to search for a good song on the radio.

"Oh, God, yes," Wesley answered, trying not to wince at the cacophanous sounds coming from the stereo system. "I'd just like to make sure British Airways doesn't cancel our return tickets." Putting the car in gear, he pulled away from the pub and turned in the general direction of Heathrow. As they sped along the street, Wesley glanced at Faith. "So, we're going to drop in on a Council installation near a Hellmouth. I'm going to do some investigating into their affairs while you have a confrontation with an ex. And all of this uninvited. What kind of welcome are you expecting?"

"Gotta say Wes, I ain't so much lookin' forward to this. I kinda pulled the whole 'get gone' thing and took off with Red without sayin' my goodbyes or whatever. I was over it. Just wasn't my thing." Faith shrugged, finally settling on a station that was playing a Linkin Park song. She leaned back in her seat, propping her arm against the window, her fingers lightly touching against the frame. "I'm just tryin' to get the 411 on this shit Em's accusin' him of. Even though I wasn't with the whole relationship thing, what she's sayin' just ain't addin' up. He wasn't like that when we was together or whatever. What are you tryin' to dig up anyway?"

Wesley shook his head. "I'm just trying to figure out what to expect, Faith. I've never met Wood, but what I did get from Giles matches up with what you've told me. All of which doesn't match what this EmaKate is saying." He looked over at her, but Faith seemed more interested in watching London speed by. "We're almost there. Are you ready to go back to the States? If nothing else, this trip will be very interesting."

Turning her attention away from the window, Faith looked back towards Wesley. "I think this trip might be good for me. With the whole needin' to get the fuck outta here for awhile and all." She smirked, seeing the airport ahead of them. Her eyes lingered for a moment on a plane taking off and she felt the slight stir of butterflies in her stomach. A deep frown formed as she felt the overwhelming sense of dread caused by having to fly. As Wesley pulled into a parking spot, she shook herself out of it, letting the frown curl into a smirk as she looked over at him again. "Guess it's now or never huh?" She sighed. "Let's do this thing."

Blinking, Wesley tried to identify the feeling that was in the back of his mind when he looked at Faith. He frowned a bit, reading subtle signs and tells that he'd started learning about his Slayer. Wesley read tension and apprehension, but kept quiet. Hopefully, she was right about needing to get out of England for a while. "Right, then." He opened the door and slung his own bag out of the backseat. "I do hope there's a decent movie playing." He locked up the car and started toward the airport entrance. "Cleveland, here we come."
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