Makin' With The Efforts

Nov 01, 2004 02:17

That whole sitch with Red left me feelin' weird. Like fuckin' vulnerable and shit. Can't say I really liked how I was feelin'. It was like I had no control. And well, I'm a girl who gets off on control. As long as I'm the one who's at the wheel. But man, tonight, I don't know what the fuck happened to me. The words were just flowin' out. I was bein' totally honest and I couldn't stop myself. And as much as I hate to admit it, it felt good to get it out. To tell somebody what's been goin' on in my head. Which normally just ain't my thing, but with Willow...I can't explain it. Maybe it's the whole level of her goin' through the whole darkness thing too. Or maybe the whole reformed murderer thing. At least I didn't make with the flayin' though. That was some wicked shit. Okay, so I'm gettin' off the subject here. What I'm tryin' to say is she's been there. So it kinda makes it hard to hide myself when she's seein' right through me.

After we left her new digs, I walked her home and figured I oughta put in an appearance at my own house, so I headed back there. I guess a lot of what she said made me think. Made me wanna try or whatever. And since I'm gonna do the whole tryin' thing, talkin' to Hollywood was first on my list. And let me just say, I so ain't lookin' forward to the third degree I know I'm 'bout to get. Damn, that girl can give a cold shoulder like nobody I've ever met. Well, 'cept maybe for B. Talk about someone givin' you the fuckin' freeze out. That girl perfected the art. I'm thinkin' Hollywood could give her a run for her money though. And I guess I'm gonna find out.

I walked up the stairs, dreadin' even goin' in, but I knew I had to. If I didn't make some kinda effort here, I knew I'd have one pissed of witch on my hands. Which might not be a bad thing if we was talkin' about anything else but her keepin' my ass in line. I smirked to myself thinkin' about that one as I pushed open the door, steppin' inside. I took a deep breath and stepped into the kitchen. It was empty. Cool. So far, so good. Then again, it might've been easier to just deal with it right then, but I'm always tryin' to avoid dealin' so this was better. It meant everyone was sleepin' and I could just crash and deal tomorrow.

I headed downstairs, stayin' as quiet as I could. I stopped outside the bedroom, listenin' to see what was up. I could hear her breathin' and I knew she was asleep, so I slipped in quietly and got undressed and found myself somethin' to sleep in. Slidin' into bed beside her, that guilty feelin' crept in again when she shifted, movin' closer to me. I pushed it outta my mind, I'd deal with it when I had to. Tomorrow. Should be one hell of a day.

((Open to Dora))
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