Girl, I do this shit weekly.

Dec 19, 2009 01:06

So I have a bit of a dilemma. I won a twenty-five dollar gift certificate to Best Buy, because I filled out a survery for the college in, like, September. It was quite the pleasant surprise.

Anyway, what should I do with it? I know what I'd like to do with it: buy a CD player. Because I'm going home for like three weeks without a computer, or any other means of listening to music or otherwise entertaining myself. Except, you know, reading. Or hanging out with friends. Or getting drunk.

God, do they even make CD players any more?

Or, I could be like a thoughtful person and use it to buy a Christmas gift for... somebody? I have to admit, I haven't even thought about gifts. And I do not have time to shop. I mean, I'm coming back at the 22nd, three days before Christmas. And I'm working on papers and story revisions and poems right up until that time. And I really don't have money to get gifts for all the people that are getting me gifts. So I'd have to choose who to get gifts for, which is automatically worse than just not getting gifts, I think. I'll have to bake cookies for everybody, or something. Fuck, I don't know.

Basically, I won a raffle and it put me in a moral quandary.
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