Sep 03, 2007 19:02
guess who got tickets for row E of phantom of the opera??? ME. row E man. that's gonna be so cool. i love being so close that you can see them breathe. I've been wanting to see phantom again ever since last time i saw it, which was at the grand old age of 16. about bloody time i saw it again! i'm so excited. it's not til freakin march next year though lol.
the book didn't arrive today :| i dreamed about it TWICE last night. heheh. told you i was obsessed. i dreamed mr mailman brought it to me and i was so happy i woke up and then went back to sleep and dreamed it again. hah. dork. the only good thing about me not having that book to read is that my dependency has turned back to sam and dean. yep, i still haven't finished watching season two of supernatural so i got back into that when i got home today. up to episode 19 next. almost getting to the ennnnd. hollywood babylon was an awesome episode. they were on the studio tour for gilmore girls hahah. classic. dean/sam/dean all in the same place.
and this probably goes without saying, but goddamn. dean is one hot mofo. i'd gone a few weeks without seeing him and that just made it even better. it's like if you see him all the time your eyes get saturated with the hotness and you don't appreciate it so much. or maybe that's just me. but i'm definitely appreciating it all over again. hahah i'm such a girl sometimes. i amuse me.