Aug 19, 2004 17:15
i finally got around to it. im just sitting at home and my dad says "lets go college looking." i wasnt about to deny myself that opportunity, especially considering i havent looked at any (for myself. i looked when i went with my bro and sis to some years back). night one, got to la. that morning we left later to hit up: UCR, SDSU, UCSD, and UCI. to be honest i was particarly thrilled with those choices. those just happened to be ones my dad got maps for. all in all, it was a good trip. UCR was a piece of shit. i wouldnt go there. SDSU and UCSD were rather large, but good at the same time. but UCI was clearly the best. smallest out of the 4 id imagine, but it was just a really cool layout for the school. buildings in a circle on the outside of a huge circular grass courtyard. that school made my day worth it. my dad was pro-going home, but i wanted to check out UCSB. so we stayed in la again and left for santa barbara in the morning.
and that was well worth it. i enjoyed that school the most out of all of them, although it looked a little shitty with all the construction going on. fairly small campus as compared to other colleges ive seen and the weather is so cool. there are many other benefactors about that school, but id rather not go way into it. unless i find something superb up north, that will definitely be a major contender for me.
all in all, its good to be home. i still have to do some ap physics homework that is due the first day of school. thats gonna be a tough one. for the most part, my schedule for next year is looking promising. im looking quite optimistically about this coming year.