attempts #1

Apr 13, 2013 00:20

the greyscale unfolds into a broader spectrum: color
as the excess of black in-between white,
what rainbow-dips the tv static
and muffles the indistinct jazz of the city
color sleazes up this motel suite, next to the musty carpeting,
the humming radiator, the lead pipe, the candle stick

i wake in it, cold and panting
lovably amnesiac, except for these clued bits
that thread my narrative in
darker, thicker, even
the water that drips from the tap is opaque
and the street that hits the ice machine
forks out to a slew of dead-ends,
the longer i tread on this lead,
the longer i let it feast on my innards

i jerk a jetstream of yellow,
then leak red until i'm pink,
purple, blue
on the green, slathered in brown
a wisp of black, cut
by a smoldering white...

i in correlation with the plot: twist, bend,
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