Title: Praeda: The Spoils of War
Rating: T+ (language, violence in later chapters)
Status: In-Progress
Characters: Cad Bane, TODO 360 and several fan characters
Summary: To the average individual, it was supposed to be just a simple job for a well-paying client. But for Cad Bane... nothing is ever simple.
Chapter 4 (in which the long day begins)
Chapter 5 (in which Bane's nemesis shows his face)
I think the last time I'd updated this story was in... October, I think. Well, having been able to pull myself away from various Mass Effect stories for a short while, I was able to put out two chapters of this. The Bane muse is fickle and is as irascible as the character himself, so it's one of those "it happens when it happens" sort of things. Go figure.
Now available on AO3, if that is your preferred fan fic archive.