Screencaps from the Computer Spying meme:
disutansu asked for my desktop wallpaper:
lemniciate asked for my art folder, of either mine or others' art:
postingwhore asked for my porn folder, but as I have no such thing (for srs!), here's my ebooks folder:
scorpiod1 asked for iTunes, but as I don't use iTunes to sort my music, here's my music folder:
I just spent forever deleting over a hundred submissions from my old Y!Gallery and DeviantArt accounts. I don't see why they don't simply allow users to delete accounts and contents entirely, the way LJ does. :| It was interesting, looking at my drawings from six, seven years ago. Some of it was atrocious, but some weren't half bad, haha. Also, oh man, so much nostalgia for my Harry Potter days.
After watching Iron Man 2 in the theatre yesterday, I watched Iron Man on my computer over dinner. I must say, I prefer the sequel over the original. Pepper was a bit too damsel-in-distress, but Natasha was awesomely cool, and I'm finding myself shipping Tony/Jarvis, just a teeny bit.
Next week is going to be spent grading midterms. I hope I don't run into
this problem, heh.