Hello, new friends! \o/ Welcome to my humble abode.
everyone, have a meme:
Computer Spying Meme:
1. Comment with a request to see absolutely anything on my computer. My desktop, my documents, my bookmarks, my latest works in progress. Whatever you're curious about. Request it!
2. I will respond post a comment with a screenshot of the very thing you request.
Overheard on the subway:
One teenage girl to another: "I thought he was sexy until I found out he was my brother."
I don't believe in brunch (why would anyone cram two meals into one? D: And how will I manage to avoid starvation during the long hours between brunch and dinner? I would prefer to skip breakfast and simply wait until my usual lunchtime!), so what I will be doing tomorrow is having an over-sized late-breakfast, followed by a small late-lunch, and then a normal-sized late dinner. :> Between my late-breakfast and late-lunch, I will be watching Iron Man 2. I haven't seen Iron Man, but I do enjoy me some RDJ-on-the-big-screen, so hopefully it'll be fun.