The Letter B, a Meme Assignment

Jul 08, 2009 21:34

1) Books. All kinds. At least most kinds! Loving them is one of the first things I can remember; and the delight I found in them at the beginning has never gone away!!

2) Blue Whales. It is a big goal of mine to see one in person!

3) Bellini cocktails. (I suspect that this choice needs No Explanation)

4) Bastille Day, because it is, in my mind anyway, a splendidly silly holiday that involves poodles, Eiffel tower earrings and Mr. Hulot movies!

5) the British, because of history, Doctor Who, and the fact that they are wildly fun (and they come complete with the Scottish (my favorite!) & the Welsh!)

6) Beaches (the places, not the film) Being by the water calms me down almost instantly!

7) Bok choy! One of my all-time favorites, although slightly eclipsed by the wonderful Swiss Chard!

8) Botanical Gardens-the one here in Phoenix is full of amazing cacti, succulents & a myriad of other desert-loving plants from around the world; however, I am just as easily enchanted by botanical gardens pretty much anyplace!

9) The Brooklyn Bridge. I am in awe of the design, the construction, and the loveliness of this bridge! I have only been to NYC once, but seeing the bridge in person was just as amazing as I had hoped!

10) Blandings Castle, because it can stand in for everything Wodehouse, but also because Blandings is one of my favorite fictional locations. I have spent many happy hours there with Lord Emsworth,  his awful sister Constance, the famous prize-winning fat pig Empress of Blandings, and all the other castle denizens.

11) The BBC. My favorite shows are nearly always from the BBC, so even though I get quite frustrated by their attempts to prevent me from seeing their programs, I do love them!

12) The Barenaked Ladies. They are brilliant and I never get tired of their music!

letter meme

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