Title: Hula Hoops and Sno-Cones
Fandom: Arashi
Pairing: Mentioned Aiba/Nino, sliiiiight Aiba/Jun
Rating: PG (language)
Length: 439 words (one-shot)
Summary: For
arashijun, but muchas gracias to
chowdagoboom for giving me the most RIDICULOUS THREE WORDS IN EXISTENCE AS A PROMPT. seriously, the prompt was "hula hoops, sno-cones, and cabbage." idek, man.
jun pushed open the door to the shiyagare green room, expecting to be greeted by his frantic manager, who always tried to rush him out the door to his next job after filming was done. if jun was lucky, he'd have beaten him to the greenroom, which meant that he'd get to enjoy a full 47-second shower before his manager busted in and yanked him out. which, sadly, was becoming all too common. he had the bruises on his bicep to prove it.
but he didn't find his batshit-crazy manager inside. instead, he found nino and aiba--which wouldn't have been too bizarre, if they hadn't be in the midst of a fierce hula hoop battle.
well. this was totally normal.
jun, hand still on the doorknob, froze mid-step. this was something he expected from aiba. if he had walked in on aiba in a grass skirt and a coconut bra, he wouldn't have batted an eyelash. hell, if he was in a decent enough mood, he even might have refrained from taking photographic evidence to use as blackmail the next time aiba pissed him off. but nino? nino? this did not compute.
aiba stopped rotating his hips, letting the green hula hoop swivel to the floor. he looked at jun and grinned.
"hey, jun! heeeeeeey! come play with us!"
"um, no thanks."
"awww, come on! it's so much fun!"
"really, i'm fine. please. spare me."
jun glanced toward nino, who had propped his hula hoop vertically on the ground and was holding it in place with his foot; he seemed to be deliberately avoiding jun's gaze. jun cleared his throat.
nino feigned suprise. "oh, well, hello. when did you get there?"
"what the fuck are you doing?"
nino shrugged. "i was bored."
"nino, when you're bored you blast crappy pop music from your cellphone to annoy the rest of us. or throw food at us. or dump ice down our backs while we're sleeping. do you not remember the near-deadly sno-cone incident of 2007?"
"hmm, that last one might ring a bell. in fact, i think it may be time for a 2011 update."
aiba, ignoring nino, grabbed jun's wrist. "so, are you gonna play with us?! we're going to finish our hula hoop battle, and then we're gonna see who can spit watermellon seeds the furthest! and we're gonna making a bowling alley using empty soda bottles and cabbages! we're calling it 'aiba and nino's epic sports day of fun and epic-ness!'"
jun didn't reply. he simply turned on his heel, waltzed out of the room, and slammed the door shut behind him.
twenty paces later, jun realized that nino was probably only going along with it to get into aiba's pants.
forty paces later, jun realized that he was feeling a twinge of jealousy.
sixty paces later, jun realized that bowling with cabbage might just be the most fucking ridiculous thing he's ever heard. but he still kinda wants to join in.