fish_echo wrote in fish_recs Oct 08, 2009 05:05
genre:crossover, pairing:slash, fandom:leverage, pairing:femslash, fandom:sga, pairing:poly, fandom:supernatural, type:fic, fandom:psych, pairing:gen
fish_echo wrote in fish_recs Sep 05, 2009 04:35
fandom:folktale/fairytale/myth/legend/&c, fandom:gilgamesh, fandom:sga, pairing:poly, fish: to be tagged, type:podfic, fandom:potc, genre:crossover, pairing:slash, fandom:leverage, fandom:a dog's breakfast, pairing:het, type:fic, meme, pairing:gen, fandom:sandman, fish: do screenreader friendly edits, fish: do updates/edits