Small policy change with regards to updating old posts

Sep 29, 2010 04:10

Hallo all! I'm sorry that this is not nearly as exciting as any of the rec sets which are in progress (and are totally going to be awesome, sez me, just as soon as they are finished, drat), but since I do seem to be doing things slowly, and since I've just realised that my private bookmarks are not visible to people not me... *facepalm*

I do try to keep my past rec posts updated with additional related works as they are produced and as I come aware of them (so, things like podfic versions, remixes, commentary, blah blah blaaaaaaah), but I don't always update the entry quickly, plus lately I've only been privately bookmarking things and not updating the posts. This, of course, is not at all useful to anyone who'd like to follow those nonexistent links :( And since I assume that a peruser of my recs would prefer to have a link now even if it isn't very snazzy rather than to wait until I have time to do all the coding to prettify things, here's a small policy change:

I've gone through my 'update recs list with this' bookmarks and dropped all the links into comments to the corresponding original recs post. I'll continue to do this whenever I run across a link if don't have the time/brainpower/whatever to actually insert the link properly into the post. As I have the brainpower/etc, I'll add the links from my comments to the posts (and unless someone has responded to my comment, I'll delete my comment, just for neatness's sake). Unlike with links in the post proper, it is quite possible that the works linked in my comments might not be in the tags.

Okay, perfectly clear like mud? Good! *goes back to poking a rec list with a stick*

[ here's an example post that has an updating comment, if you'd like to see what I mean]

not a rec, journal policies, fish: to be tagged

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