Recs for vids I've been watching obsessively lately

Oct 25, 2009 20:02

My policy on how I do my recs (including for things like warnings and spoilers) can be found at [ my post about my recs], for those interested.

I've been watching these vids repeatedly for much of this week. It's been one of those weeks where these stupid little things keep happening and adding up and you feel redicolous by feeling put out by the whole thing, but you just really want to tear out your hair and yell a lot. So these have been comfort-vids for me right now. I don't know why, exactly, but I figure, any vid I can stand to watch somewhere between twenty-five and fifty times in a five day period I may as well rec. You needn't wait for a bad day to watch them though! I do love them even when I'm not in a mood :)

Vid: [ Handlebars]
Vidder: Seah and Margie flummery
Song & Artist: Flobots
Fandom, Etc.: Doctor Who (Tenth Doctor, specifically), 3:27
Format: AVI, no lyrics, no captioning
Summary: I'm the Doctor. Look me up.
My Notes: This is how I see the Doctor-- yes, he's wonderful and fun but also ever so very powerful and alien. He may consider the Earth (one of) his pet planet(s) but that doesn't mean that he's not scary too.

Vid: [ Four Years]
Vidder: Fabella wistful-fever
Song & Artist: "Life Less Ordinary" by Carbon Leaf
Fandom, Etc.: SGA, 3:44
Format: xvid avi, no captioning, no lyrics given
Summary: Four years of John loving Rodney. Rodney is a) oblivious, b) deliberately ignorant, or c) not as smart as he likes to think he is. Mckay/Sheppard. John POV.
My Notes: Oh, John and Rodney love each other so much! And then they do Atlantis things!

Vid: [ The Temptation of John Sheppard]
Vidder: isagel
Song & Artist: "The Temptation of Adam" by Josh Ritter
Fandom, Etc.: SGA, John/Rodney, 3:46
Format: DivX AVI, DivX, streaming at BAM Video Vault, not captioned, lyrics provided at post
Summary: I never had to learn to love you like I learned to love the bomb.
My Notes: From inside John's head, we look at Rodney. Oh, I love this vid simply amazing amounts.

Vid: [ Apple Candy]
Vidder: talitha78
Song & Artist: Apple Candy by Ben Lee
Fandom, Etc.: Star Trek Reboot, Kirk/Uhura/Spock
Format: WMV, AVI (XVid), YouTube, not captioned and no lyrics given
Summary: James T. Kirk believes in having it all.
My Notes: Everyone and their pet cat has already recced this, it really is that awesome. I love the cutting and the pacing and how well the clips are suited to telling a story along with the song. I love the longing that Kirk feels and from the looks of Uhura and Spock I'm convinced that they all end up together. (For extra fun, I quite enjoy watching this vid and thinking about where those shots were in the movie-- it gives me a sense of how one can clip things to say things other than what precisely was shown on the screen.)

Vid: [ Open Secrets of the Pegasus Galaxy]
Vidder: Yevgenie
Song & Artist: Everybody Knows -- Leonard Cohen
Summary: That's how it goes, everybody knows.
Fandom, Etc.: SGA, cast (gen), seasons 1-4, rated PG, 4:04
Format things: mp3 and mov, not captioned but lyrics included in post
My Notes: This is one of those vids I had to watch a bunch before I felt that I was understanding what the vidder was trying to do. She says "This is my love letter to Stargate Atlantis. It is also a letter about how Stargate: Atlantis drives me fucking crazy." I like it because it reminds me that the situation in Pegasus is much more complicated than the show often portrayed it and that things are not always simple and easy and such in a war zone.

I have no real idea what I'm doing with formatting these vid recs, so if you have suggestions, please let me know.

As always, if you spot any inaccuracies/dead links/missing info/additional transformative works (e.g., podfics, commentaries), please let me know.

pairing:slash, fandom:star trek, pairing:het, fandom:sga, pairing:poly, type:vid, pairing:gen, fandom:star trek reboot, fandom:doctor who

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