Are you watching 'The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes' (of 1954)? You should be!
Have you seen 'The case of the Baker Street Nursemaids'! The first, say, fourth of the episode is so very *hands* oh, there's a baby and Holmes is all 'wtf lullaby? baby?! How do you hold babies!' and Watson is 'Holmes! You didn't tell me you had a baby! I'm hurt in our secret-life-partner place! And also, babies aren't too complicated! (Except for when they are...)'
And then Watson bonds with the baby!
And later in the episode Watson give Holmes lessons on how to punch. And then at 23:00, there's 'Let's go upstairs and get a bit more practice'. And your mind, like mine, perhaps went to the sexytiems place. But instead, Watson beats up everyone. (Now I want the summer blockbuster of Watson and River Tam.)
Actually, it's a really sweet episode all around!
I especially love that Holmes and Watson decide that 'Rule Britannia' is an appropriate lullaby for the baby.
Do note, if you haven't ever seen this series before, that oh my, watching this show reminds me of just how far the representation of women in TV has come. And yes, I'm including the ever-problematical SPN as progress. Also interesting in that meta sort of way, the episode with the American-- I was alternating laughing at it and feeling bothered by all the blatant racism (and the occasional other -isms too). Actually, the very next episode following 'Watson punches babies' is a good example of 'Oh but Holmes, a woman said something, surely we can't believe it!' (Be warned that that episode ought to have a gigantic domestic violence and psychological abuse warning). And there's an episode called 'The Case of the Careless Suffragette' which makes me want to wear a yellow sash and demand the right to vote and respect for people as people regardless of chromosomes. Oh hey, fast forward to the 21st century and females have the right to vote but all sorts of prejudice remains. >:( Anyway, my point was that this series is not without many flaws but that I find it amusing and quaint nonetheless.
Regardless, Watson and punching and babies and OTP-ness! AWESOME!!!! :D
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