This started out as only one thing, but it kept growing. I'm posting now or else it'll be even longe

Oct 10, 2009 00:53

Thing one! [ YULETIDE BRAINSTORMING POST!] The longer I stay in fandom, the more I want to participate in things. It helps, I suppose, that the longer I'm in fandom the more idea I have of various things and what they do and why and all that incoherent jazz. So I want to participate in Yuletide this year and not just because I want fic for Bettina's fandom (And hey, I managed to hook another person on that fandom over in the brainstorming post :P .). I also want to participate for the fun and the challenge and the giving someone a gift of rare!fic. But I need to know that I won't flake out (because, damn, but I am good at flaking. Plus, as I proved during cliche_bingo, head-games + muse don't mix very well.) So if I am having satisfactory progress on my Fandom Free-For-All fic come sign-up time *and* my schedule looks open, I am signing up in a flash. Here's hoping! *crosses fingers*

And side note: After being in HP and SGA, the idea of ~ 100 fics being the cutoff for being too large for Yuletide is amusing to me. Because, for example, it means that Firefly isn't really eligible, and yet I'd hardly call it a well-represented fandom. But that's okay! I'm absolutely fine with focusing on the really tiny ones! They need love too!

Thing two! I'm still rather flailing about trying to figure out what I want to do with my recs. (Hint, hint, there's still [a poll open] if you'd like to tell me your opinion. Please?)

I found some old recs that I had made to spngenlove lying around and because I'm lazy, I just went and [ posted them directly] to my rec comm rather than converting into DW format so I could post them htere. There's eight SPN fics, including one podfic and one crossover with iCarly.

And that flushes out my recs folder of rec sets that are at least partially formatted. So any opinions on what I should maybe rec next? (In between the fic writing and the general spazzing about, of course :P )

Thing three! hpvalensmut is running again this year, [ see this post for details]. As I am not at all confident of my ability to write relationships (let alone smut), I am not signing up. Yay for self-control! :P

yuletide, fests, about recs (but not actually reccing), bettina's fandom, recs, my flist knows all, i do fannish things on my lunchbreaks, hey look at this

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