Crossposting of old spngenlove recs (weeks 5 and 9)

Oct 10, 2009 00:33

My policy on how I do my recs (including for things like warnings and spoilers) can be found at [ my policy post], for those interested.

Reposting my recs from spngenlove.

Week 5 theme: John. [ Day 1 of posting.]

Most of these are off-theme. Since I didn't have very many John-centric recs I finished a number of half-finished recs I had lying about from previous weeks.

Rec Category: fic, Dean-with-powers, not-theme, preseries-to-series, AU
Title: To Have and To Hold
Author: dolimir-k
Rating: R (for language)
Length/Word Count: 13,000
Warnings/Spoilers: none
Summary: Dean with a power and domesticity, Winchester style.
Reccer's Comments: I love this fic very much and have reread it repeatedly. This story makes me feel warm and fuzzy whenever I read it. I love what dolimir-k has done with Dean's telekinesis.

Rec Category: fic, crack-ish, not-theme, Sam
Title: And Talk About Boys
Author: chash (writing journal: longsufferingly)
Rating: PG-13
Length/Word Count: 807
Warnings/Spoilers: 401.
Summary: Sam Winchester is a mopey little bitch.
Reccer's Comments: Delightfully crackish and irreverent look at Ruby and Sam between the end of season 3 finale and the start of season 4. I really love this Ruby.

Rec Category: fic, on-theme, Stanford-fic, 'what-if' type story
Title: When Circles Come Around
Author/Artist: Tassos (Tassosss)
Rating: PG
Length/Word Count: ~2400
Warnings/Spoilers: spoilers for comments in Bugs
Summary: Finding Sam's room freshman year hadn’t been hard; it was in the package of information that was sent to their Nebraska mail drop over the summer.
Reccer's Comments: John stops by some time Sam's second year in Stanford to check up on him and Sam catches him at it. They actually converse in that painfully hard 'I love you but' sort of way.

Week 9 theme: Hunting Community. [ Day 1 of posting.]

Most of these are probably off-theme by a strict definition, but my brain kept trying to define 'community' to include them. So I threw up my hands and recced regardless.

Rec Category: fic, podfic, OC
Title: Her Tracks Are On The Land
Author: cofax7
Podfic: [mp3] and [audiobook] read by circadienne
Rating: PG
Word Count (fic)/Time (podfic): 9,700 words, 1:03:50
Warnings/Spoilers: through early season 3
Summary: The boy she's spent twenty years searching for, in memory of her dead sister, turned out to be a serial killer. How's that for a kick in the pants?
Reccer's Comments (story): Lovely OC POV, different from the 'standard' SPN OPOV in that she doesn't know the boys or about hunting but she's still searching for them and trying to find out who they are. I love how she never actually gives up on the boys. I also like the time-jumps (which are all clearly labeled, so are easy to follow.) Great ending.
My Notes, podfic: Calm and steady reading, good at understated emotion. (File begins with a bit of music, which is a personal peeve.)
Reccer's Caveats: Not so much hunting community as it is the space where 'normal' intersects the hunting community.
ETA 30 Jul 2010: There's a section somewhere in the middle which is accidentally missing from the podfic version (um, not that I've actually noticed that when I was listening to it, but then again, I had already read the text, so I guess I sort of just supplied the missing info and didn't notice it?).

Rec Category: fic, on-theme, humour, original characters
Title: Spring Chickens
Author: corvidae9
Rating: PG13-ish
Word Count: ~2300 words
Warnings/Spoilers: none
Summary: Muriel and Aggie've been Hunting since before it was capitalized. This? Is old school.
Reccer's Comments: Sweet and adorable-- two old sisters Hunt. And along the way they run into and give advice to two young brothers.

Rec Category: fic, on-theme, Jo, Hendrickson, atmospheric and odd (but awesome)
Title: this is how you set a table for tea || this invisible city (this is how you make ends meet)
Author: unperfectwolf (writing journal: rememberbefore)
Fandom, etc.: PG13, 7K words combined, gen to Jo/Hendrickson, SPN.
Summary: this is how you smile to someone you don't like too much; this is how you smile to someone you don't like at all; this is how you smile to someone you like completely; this is how you set a table for tea. - Jo meets Agent Hendrickson. Bonus points if together, they fight crime. || this is how to bully a man; this is how a man bullies you; this is how to love a man; this is how to spit up in the air if you feel like it, and this is how to move quick so that it doesn't fall on you; this is how to make ends meet. - Jo meets Agent Hendrickson. Bonus points if together, they fight crime.
Reccer's Comments: I absolutely love these stories which are a slightly odd, atmospheric tale of Jo and Hendrickson teaming up and hunting together. The first story is strictly gen, the second story I consider gen as well but does end with Jo/Hendrickson.

Rec Category: fic, on-theme, mild-angst, OC
Title: The Future’s So Bright (I Gotta Wear Shades)
Author: kroki-refur
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 4,002 words
Warnings/Spoilers: Season one-ish
Summary: It’s Mark’s second month at the New Mexico field office when the girl goes missing.
Reccer's Comments: Creepy (but not overly-so!), believably in-world fic. I like and sympathise with the FBI agent from whose POV the story is told. Solid characterisations all around and there are some very well-written (BTW, the author rates this an angst-level 5 out of a possible 11)
Reccer's Caveats: Stretching the definition of the theme here, because Sam and Dean both feature prominently, and also it's FBI rather than hunters proper. But I think it still fits in the theme broadly.

Rec Category: fic, crossover (with iCarly), crack, humour, insta-rec
Title: iFight Crime
Author: chash (writing journal: longsufferingly)
Rating: G
Word Count: 1600 words
Warnings/Spoilers: none
Summary: none given, but it's a crossover with iCarly
Reccer's Comments: Delicious, delightful crack. With rollerskates. And another Sam! I have no idea what iCarly is or who any of these people are, but evidently they are filled with cracky goodness.

As always, if you spot any inaccuracies/dead links/missing info/additional transformative works (e.g., podfics, commentaries), please let me know.

genre:crossover, fandom:icarly, pairing:het, fandom:supernatural, type:fic, pairing:gen, type:podfic, fish: do screenreader friendly edits, fish: do updates/edits

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