Fic wot I wrote when I should be folding laundry

Jun 21, 2009 05:11

edit: This is a bit rambling, in part because I'm thinking things out whilst typing. You've been warned.

Remember the other day when I accidentally wrote a drabble of John/Rodney cuddling in the morning instead of eating ice cream? In a [ reply] to ladycat777 I came up with the idea of writing a five-things (or some such number) off of the line "No longer first, nor second, nor even tenth, just some unknown number that turns into a 'the', making it one of a continuous mornings" showing how different couples behave then. In part because I'm quirky (you are saying 'no, really?' in a sarcastic tone right now, I can tell :P ), even and possibly especially in my relationships, and so many of the 'daaawcute' stereotypes don't actually hold for me, and thus I'd like to get some alternate ways of showing deep love out there into fic-land. And also in part because it strikes me as a really good character study. Even if not a lot of the character study actually makes it onto the page, I have to know it to get it right.

But I've now sort of written/outlined two of these and they're both original fic with characters that I don't really have a sense of yet (well, I might know the characters well enough for the length of the snippets, but certainly not well enough for a longer piece. Not that these are going to be long pieces. Thus, irrelevant!) I'm actually kind of leaning toward making these all original fic, but I know they'll get read less then and I'm egotistical enough to want people reading them. If I do fanfic, I think I'll restrict myself to rare pairs &/ crossover pairs. Mostly because I'm more likely to have something new to say about/with those sorts of pairings

This fic drabble set might just have gotten moved up to the top of my writing queue, I kind of love it to ridiculous pieces.

original fic, my muse is odd sometimes, wip

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