I still have to clean out the fridge (gaaah :( ) but before I do that...
There's a loverly new comm
cliche-bingo which is accepting [
sign-ups] until Friday the 26th. I've signed up in full expectation that I will not complete a bingo, but since I really love a lot of fandom cliches I couldn't resist. *facepalm*
The comm does have a listing of cliches that they are choosing from, if you wish to look them over. And the minimum word count is 500 words BUT other things like vids and art are also acceptable! And all that they ask is that you produce one story/item-of-fanwork by the time the 2010 challenge rolls around! So clearly everyone can and should sign up!
Also, I am feeling in a spammy mood this weekend, so there may be actual posting. Or there may be chores and such-all and just thinking longingly of posting. Either way, you have been warned!