Here is an example of the illogical position abortion supporters are in. In one of the many pregnancy books we have at home, Your Pregnancy Week by Week by Glade B. Curtis, M.D., OB/GYN and Judith Schuler, M.S., it is shown how quickly human life can be de-valued. It only takes 3 pages.
The Week 16 chapter begins:
How Big Is Your Baby?
The crown-to-rump length of your baby by this week is 4.3 to 4.6 inches (108 to 116 mm). Weight is about 2.8 ounces (80 g).
How Your Baby Is Growing and Developing
... Many women describe feelings of movement as a "gas bubble" or "fluttering." Often, it's something you have noticed for a few days or more, but you didn't realize what you were feeling. Then it occurs to you: You're feeling the baby moving inside you!
(p. 161-63)
Then we see this illustration of a little 16 week old baby on p. 162:
After describing the triple-screen and amniocentesis tests to check for genetic handicaps, it continues:
By this point [16 to 18 weeks], your uterus is large enough and there is enough fluid surrounding the baby to make the test possible. Doing the procedure at this time allows the woman enough time to make a decision about terminating the pregnancy, if that is what she desires.
(p. 163-64)
What?! "Enough time to make a decision" ... about what? To kill her baby? Does the dad (who is addressed in many notes throughout the book) have a say in the life of his own child? BOOM! One sentence. "Baby" to "terminating the pregnancy." Why don't they just say "terminate/kill your baby"?
Why do we rejoice at the movement of our "baby" but then two pages later offer the decision to kill him/her? We don't offer this decision to mothers after their children are born, even if that child has Down syndrome or other handicaps and the mother doesn't want the baby anymore. I am honestly baffled at how such a logical inconsistency can be held and presented by anyone, especially when it is written down right next to an image of an obviously human child.
My wife and I already have had to state three times that we don't want to kill our baby.