My reactions to the Golden Globes

Jan 17, 2011 00:08

1. Colin Firth is so dashing! Did you see how dashing he was? OMG, so dashing. And dapper. He still has the power to turn me into a giggly little school girl. Ultimate romantic hero in my heart, forever and always. ♥

2. ROBERT DENIRO, OMG. I love the man to death, I really do, but it always baffles me as to how he's such a freaking brilliant actor and yet is not very good at memorizing/reciting speeches as himself. It's quite adorable, really. Also, I was shocked that he went the humor route and talked as much as he did, because in the past he's always seemed quite afraid of saying something silly (which makes him ramble nonsensically and mumble a lot and look uncomfortable), but tonight he totally went for it, to the point where I think he may have hired a joke writer for his speech? And it just delights me that he has mellowed out so much in his older age. I mean, the speech still kind of went off course and his gruff demeanor was a little too gruff at points, but he totally made me giggle, and I love him. I love him I love him I love him! And, just for the record, Jackknife has always been one of my top favorite DeNiro movies. I know that technically it wasn't all that great, but man do I love that movie. That and Men of Honor are probably my favorite underrated DeNiro films (and I think DeNiro would totally appreciate my use of an Everybody's Fine icon for this post). I also adore the majority of the films that they actually showed clips for, of course, but some of them had me cringing, because I was like, "Really? They're going to put more focus on New York New York and The King of Comedy than on The Untouchables and Deer Hunter? Really?" And I don't even recall them showing Taxi Driver. HOW CAN THEY NOT SHOW TAXI DRIVER? They may have and I just can't remember it, but, you know, they should have at least played his "You talkin' to me?" scene (they probably did, I don't know, I was too hopped up on DeNiro giddiness to process everything). I was super happy that they showed This Boy's Life though. That's another DeNiro performance that I always feel like is underrated simply because his character is so harsh/unlikable in that one (of course, me being me, I was fascinated by that character). Anyway, Robert DeNiro. I love him.

3. I am so lame that I got all flaily anytime the camera showed Matthew Morrison and Lea Michelle in the same shot. ESPECIALLY WHEN HE SMILED EXTRA BRIGHT AND WHOOPED FOR HER WHEN THEY NAMED HER AS A NOMINEE. I will not lie, I desperately wanted her to win best actress just so that I could see MattMo's reaction. I AM SO LAME, GUYS. SO, SO LAME. My fervor for Will/Rachel is spilling over onto the actors since the show is on hiatus. It's quite sad, really.


In other news, I have caved to peer pressure and finally watched Black Swan, and while I didn't hate it like I thought I would, I didn't enjoy it either. It was just... blah. I will give Natalie Portman her due, but yeah, not my kind of movie, and I doubt that I will ever understand why films like this are always deemed brilliant and fantastically entertaining. I don't mind movies that make me think, but I like to have fun while I watch movies, too, you know? And this one wasn't fun. It was just awkward and left me uncomfortable through the majority of it. I think the only bit I enjoyed was the ending.

Also due to peer pressure, I finally sat down and watched Miranda, and for this one I can thank you all! Because this show was insanely hilarious and delightful in every way. I haven't laughed that hard in ages, and I was legit depressed once I ran out of episodes. I just want to live in Miranda's world forever, I guess. It is sad how much I related to her (like the giggling at random words and generally being aimless in life and doing ridiculously dorky things while she's alone and being the clumsiest person alive), but it's also sad how much I wished that I could be like her. Just, to be so uninhibited and to find the humor in just about anything, I so wish I could be like that. She's basically one of the most lovable characters ever even though she's completely self-absorbed, and I adored the supporting characters, too, particularly Miranda's mother. The ep where they spend the entire time in therapy together? OMG, never have I laughed that hard at anything. And of course Gary made me swoon. And I think I was a little bit in love with Clive? I don't know, I'm weird, don't mind me. I even found Rupert kind of alluring... Also, I now wish that I was into text messaging just so that I can pull out my phone in the middle of a conversation and go, "Bear with, bear with, bear with..." Sadly, all of my text messages are telemarketers (as are Miranda's, which cracked me up). But, yeah, text messaging isn't included in our phone plan, so I don't do it.

love machine: colin firth, show: miranda, ship: will/rachel, love machine: robert fucking deniro

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