KIM SEUNG WOO IS STARRING IN ANOTHER DRAMA! *flails* I seriously cannot wait for this. It has been too long since I've drooled over KSW, and now I'll get to do it TWICE A WEEK. I've never watched a Korean police procedural, so, we'll see how that goes. This one sounds suspiciously like Law & Order with its ripped from the headlines plots, and I was never a fan of L&O (though occasionally I do watch and enjoy the old reruns of Criminal Intent). I don't know, all I know is that Kim Seung Woo is sexy and I'll watch him in anything. I've even suffered through his various godawful films, so, I think I'll be handle this show (of course, KSW seems to like the really artsy films, which I don't). I actually have faith that this drama will be awesome, because while KSW picks some truly (imho) pointless films, his dramas have always been top notch. AND HE IS SUPER SEXY, SO IT DOESN'T REALLY MATTER. I just want to see him in something new. And hopefully he'll get the girl this time, BUT I WON'T COUNT ON IT. The poor dude never gets the girl. Actually, since he's the older character, he probably won't even have a romance story. *sadface* I'm sure I'll ship him with everybody though. That's just a given.
Oh, and now that I know that KSW is in Athena, I guess I'll have to hurry and catch up with that drama. I just haven't been motivated to. I am sad that I am not loving it like I loved IRIS. I think my expectations were too high. Just, I wish the main hero was more interesting. I think that is my main lack of enthusiasm issue with Athena. He is not motivated by anything except the girl. With IRIS, while the hero's main goal was getting the girl, she wasn't his motivation for everything that he did. In fact, the girl fell in love with him because he was amazing at his job and he was a loyal friend and he had a fearless quality about him that drew her (and the audience) to him. The hero in Athena is just kind of lifeless at this point. Augh, I need to watch more than two episodes before I judge him, I know, but it's hard to find the drive to watch the show with such a lackluster main character. Hopefully I will be eating my words after watching a few more eps.
Also, I've kind of lost my motivation for watching Secret Garden. It started off so light-hearted and hilarious! But now it's getting more and more depressing, and I really cannot freaking stand Joo Won's mother. I want to strangle her every time I see her. And Oska's story with his lady is so ridiculously angsty that it is getting really annoying. Their over the top drama used to crack me up, but now it's just annoyingly repetitive. I do keep watching this show every now and then, though, but I'm not anxiously awaiting new eps like I used to (in fact, I'm only on ep 13 at the moment). After seeing that it actually has 20 eps and not 16, I got even less enthused. HOW MUCH LONGER CAN IT BE DRAWN OUT? Both characters are already depressed over the fact that they'll never be together. I don't know, I don't know. This one was so promising! The characters still delight me, it's just that the story is really starting to drag.
In other news, apparently Gwyneth Paltrow is coming back to Glee. UGH. Once was enough, show! And you oversaturated us with her in that one episode alone, so I don't even want to know how much you will torture us with her presence as a recurring guest star. You've even made me sick of Kristin Chenoweth, who is also returning for multiple eps AGAIN. All these guest stars do is take time away from the characters that I actually care about, and they sing every damn song on the episode, and just... UGH, GLEE, ENOUGH WITH THE GUEST STARS. If you want viewers, just have Will and Rachel makeout with each other. IT'LL WORK, TRUST ME. People will come for the shock value, it'll get endless amounts of press for being controversial, and people will debate for ages whether the show has jumped the shark even though this show jumps that figurative shark every damn episode. COME ON GLEE, YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO DO IT. Psh, I'd love this show forever if it actually capitalized on the wonderfulness that is Will/Rachel. But it never will. *another sadface*
Regarding work, I am back to a normal-ish schedule in a couple of weeks since I called the personnel lady and asked what was up. I am oddly (yet not surprisingly) depressed over this. I was enjoying my insane amount of time off from work. And after working both Saturday and Sunday, I remembered how utterly tired this job makes me. Last night I came home, ate dinner, and then collapsed into bed and slept all night long and well into the morning. And I didn't even really work that hard, considering the fact that the crowd is about half the size that it was at Christmas. But, I guess I'm moving faster than I used to, which means I get through more customers than I used to, which means much more bagging and lifting and whatnot, which means my body gets tired faster, I guess. And on Saturday morning I had to drive to work in the snow and I couldn't see a damn thing and my car was slipping and sliding all over the place. Luckily it was super early in the morning so there weren't many (or any, really) cars coming at me on the other side of the road, so I managed to get there in one piece (and of course it stopped snowing the very minute that I turned into the parking lot). I was only 15 minutes late, so, I guess that wasn't too bad. But, yeah, I never want to drive while it's snowing that hard ever again. And, what's weird is that it only snowed for like 45 minutes and we ended up getting 2 inches or so, and it was the entire 45 minutes that I was driving into work. The snow was completely melted by the afternoon. Had I been scheduled for one or two hours later, I would have missed it. The roads still would have been bad, but at least I would have been able to see what was in front of me. Oh, my luck. It is a good thing that I never gamble.