Dollhouse and a meme

Jan 29, 2010 22:39

Dollhouse. Kind of predictable? In a character sense, I mean, not exactly plot-wise.

I was not all that impressed with this episode, but then again I was never all that impressed with Epitaph One, so it makes sense that Epitaph Two would kind of disappoint me. But where neither episode disappointed me was Adelle/Topher. OMG, HOW ARE THEY SO AMAZING? God, they seriously know how to make me cry. TOPHER! MY BEAUTIFUL, BEAUTIFUL TOPHER! I knew he was going to die. He was my second favorite, therefore it was just destiny that he'd be killed off.

Paul getting killed sort of surprised me, but affected me in no other way, not even when Echo broke down. I feel like a cold-hearted person because of this. The Paul/Echo storyline failed to move me through two entire seasons, and in fact skeeved me out most of the time, so I think it was the writing and the lack of chemistry rather than my possible cold-heartedness. Or I really am just a bitch, I don't know.

I really, really missed Boyd. Especially since they had Harry Lennix's names in the opening credits and HE NEVER SHOWED UP. Not even in another body. *sniff* Honestly, if they had so many copies of Clyde, WHY were there no other copies of Boyd?

ALPHA IS A GOOD GUY, SAY WHAT? And awwwww, he really did love Echo, so much so that he let her have Paul.

Priya and Anthony's storyline was... kind of odd, but I enjoyed it, I guess. Particularly the end where T met Tony. &hearts

Hmm... basically, all I truly loved about this ep was Adelle/Topher. I did like that there was a happy ending, though. That was nice, but in regards to Echo, it just kind of... went nowhere.

Meme time!

1. Reply to this post with "Icons!" and I will pick five of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon squee. Whoo!

zombie_boogie gave me:

A long while back, probably a year now, actually, when I was obsessing over Repo! The Genetic Opera, I made some animated GIF's of Anthony Head, and I had entitled the entry "Head Porn" and went on to say, "Head porn is the greatest porn of all." awakencordy got a kick out of that and MADE ME AN ICON OF MY OWN QUOTE! How awesome is that? I will probably never, ever delete this icon, 1) because it speaks the truth, and 2) because someone actually quoticoned me! I love it.

BECAUSE IT'S TOTALLY TRUE. Uther and Morgana have never been more married than in that hall walking scene. Uther is patronizing and Morgana is eye rolly and they're both being snarky and then they're all affectionate with each other and Uther walks away with a big smile, and it just has a very domestic feel to it.

COMMUNITY! This show has a lot of great quotes, but this is by far the most useful one. Well, either this one or "To me, religion is like Paul Rudd. I see the appeal and I would never take it away from anyone, but I would also never stand in line for it." (coincidentally, that is EXACTLY how I feel about Paul Rudd) Anyway, this quote happens in Debate 109 (greatest episode ever), where the basketball team (that's really gay) barges into the gymnasium in the middle of the debate and Professor Whitman turns around and exclaims "By Zeus, what sort of jackassery is this?!" It's pretty hilarious.

Hans motherflippin' Landa. HIS PIPE IS BIGGER THAN YOURS.

BUFFY/GILES!!!! Oh, I could wax poetic about these two ALL NIGHT. But I will try to contain myself. I just really, really love this scene. Giles is getting ready to tell her goodbye, and Buffy has NO IDEA, and he is basically dying inside because he loves her and wants to be a part of her life but he figured out in season 4 that he couldn't be what he wanted to be nor could he be whatever the heck she wanted him to be and their relationship was just one big old undefined mess, and he was feeling useless, and then Buffy starts saying everything he's been thinking and he can barely breathe because he thinks she's telling him goodbye, and then out of blue Buffy says, "I need to know more. About where I come from, about the other slayers. I mean, maybe ... maybe if I could learn to control this thing, I could be stronger, I could be better. But ... I'm scared. I know it's gonna be hard. And I can't do it ... without you. I need your help. (pause) I need you to be my Watcher again," and then he just exhales and is holding in the tears and he has this smile and it's the most beautiful thing in the world. And just like that they are fixed. He's her watcher, she's his slayer, and that's all they need to know. They were so in tune during season 5, so co-dependent, so coupley! It was a beautiful thing. I can't get over how much more boyfriendy Giles was to Buffy than Riley was. Especially any scene where Giles and Buffy were talking to each other on the phone. HIS SMILE, OMG. He was so, so in love. I don't care what anyone says, the man was madly IN LOVE with her and season 5 was the happiest/most at peace Giles that we ever got to see, and it's precisely because he got to be so involved with Buffy, and she treated him as an equal, as her partner, rather than someone to be forgotten or an annoying authority figure.

Speaking of Buffy, I just got around to reading Vol. 5 of the comics, and I have to say that that was the best the comics have been so far, particularly the Buffy/Andrew adventure (this arc was written by Jane Espenson, so it is no surprise that she's written the most delightful Andrew interactions in the whole comic book series). I had already read the Giles/Faith one ages ago since I couldn't wait for the compilation, so, I am still meh about that one, the one where the last watcher (other than Giles) was feeding children to the demon that was keeping the vampires away and he was all "Buffy ignored you for YEARS. It's HER fault that Jenny Calendar died! You mean NOTHING to her!" and Giles is all GRR face but kind of sad because he's felt that he means nothing to Buffy for a long time now and they haven't spoken in forever but he still goes to save Faith and even though he doesn't say it he still loves Buffy more than anything. I REFUSE TO BELIEVE OTHERWISE. And the rest of the arc has so many throwaway moments where people mention Giles around Buffy or do something Giles-ish and she ACTS LIKE HE DOESN'T EXIST. I just translate this to: Giles hurt Buffy when he chose Faith over her, and so now she thinks she means nothing to him, and it's easier to ignore his existence than accept that he doesn't love her anymore. CLEARLY BOTH BUFFY AND GILES ARE DOOFUSES. Why do they never learn that their love for each other is deep and eternal? They may not always understand in what way they love each other, but any way you look at it, there is love there on both sides. AND THEY BOTH REFUSE TO BELIEVE IT. They both just wallow in self-loathing and deem themselves not worthy of the other's love. OH, THEM. I don't think they'll ever learn. But anyway, their separation has been built up in all 5 arcs, so you would think that their reunion in the next arc would be epic (but it's not. From what I read on the internet, it looks like it pretty much gets brushed aside).

Wow dudes, it feels like it's been forever since I've gone on about Buffy/Giles like that.

ship: uther/morgana, ship: buffy/giles, show: dollhouse, show: buffy the vampire slayer, show: community, love machine: anthony stewart head, meme

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