I just signed up for The Breakfast Club on
reel_merlin. I haven't even written a regular Merlin fic let alone a parody. ACK! WHAT HAVE I DONE? On the bright side, I get to mock two birds with one stone here. Uther = Judd Nelson. Morgana = Molly Ringwald. Arthur = Emilio Estevez. Merlin = Anthony Michael Hall. Gwen = Ally Sheedy. Gaius = Dude who keeps them all in detention. DO YOU SEE WHY I COULDN'T RESIST? OMG! The only thing is, I'm going to have to somehow turn the Emilio/Ally love story into Emilio/Anthony Michael Hall, because I cannot bear to have Arthur falling in love with Gwen instead of Merlin. I just can't. Oh man, this is going to be fun. But ACK! I HAVE REAL LIFE STUFF THAT I'M SUPPOSED TO BE DOING! WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?
Reasons why my day was awesome:
1. My mom bought me some cannolis today for no reason other than to put a smile on my face, and that made me very, very happy. I love those things. Especially the little ones. Quite possibly the greatest pastry desserts ever invented.
2. This wonderful
Uther/Morgana fic was posted on
kingandward. Oooooh, well-executed porn, how I adore you. I'm still waiting for some hatesex fic though. *sigh* Everyone seems to be writing these lovely, slightly tragic pieces instead of "there's a thin line between love and fiery hot rage" fics. But hey, I'll take whatever I can get. I'll even take gen and decide to glean Uther/Morgana subtext from it, because that's just the way I am.
Andy and Oscar watched Brokeback Mountain together. It was a beautiful, beautiful thing. Ooooh,
jesshelga, how I adore you.
4. Andy and Oscar are the greatest bromigos ever. I have no links for this. Just look at my header if you need proof.
5. Today is the day before Saturday. And Saturday is Merlin day. And it's going to be epic. I predict that I will be checking for a download at least twenty times tomorrow before it actually shows up.
6. I had homemade pizza and beer for dinner. This is quite possibly my favorite kind of dinner.
7. I was totally going to do that picspam for Bunny that I had promised her ages ago, but then I didn't. This isn't good, BUT... it means I've abstractly mapped out the theme she gave me, so it'll come one of these days. I PROMISE BUNNY! IT WILL! I JUST TAKE A LOOOONG TIME TO FULFILL WISHES!
8. Giles/Buffy. I felt they had to be mentioned.