I STILL CAN'T STOP WATCHING THIS SHOW! I mean, how can you not love a show that somehow makes a giant, eggplant-shaped penis completely plausible? And I still love my Sam/Tara like crazy, although... I think the ending implied that Sam's actually a bad, bad dude? I'm not sure. I get that he's the dog that follows Sookie around, but I'm not sure what they were going for with that ending where he rolled around in the dead girl's bed. Does that mean he's the killer? Or just that he missed her smell? I'M SO CONFUSED! ARRRRRGH! But Sookie/Bill continues to be ridiculously hot simply because Bill is so INTENSE that he makes me squirm (in a good way). And I finally get now why Tara is so in love with Jason, and if I wasn't so obsessed with Sam/Tara, I'd probably ship them like crazy. But I hold to my conviction that Sam and Tara are unsuspecting soulmates, especially since they both fiercely love the Stackhouses, which will only lead to heartbreak for both of them. But... yeah. I'll be perfectly honest. The main thing that keeps me going back is the hot hot men. WHY MUST I BE SO SHALLOW? I still think that this is a terrible show. But I can't look away. I just can't. And I actually enjoy it immensely, despite the atrocious storylines and horrible effects (seriously, speeding up the film and then slowing it down does not equal an impressive vampire maneuver. I am more impressed by Bill's ability to hypnotize a cop and make him pee his pants than I am by the fast forward button).
Desperate Housewives leaves many questions unanswered (like... what happened to Lynette's other kids?), but I adore what they've done with Gabby and Carlos. Susan's story made me sad. Bree's shocked me. Edie's annoyed me (like she always does, but... dude from Band of Brothers with really blond hair and striking eyes, yay!). But giving Gabby kids was the greatest move ever. I used to not like Gabby so much. Now she's probably my favorite. Also, I'm having much trouble believing that Brian from Queer as Folk is straight, especially since they keep showing the gay guys feasting their eyes on him every time he appears on the screen. Seriously. I'm waiting for him to do a dude.
Brothers & Sisters was lovely as always. It made me laugh, made me cry, made me wish I had a sister, same old same old. It always surprises me how much I love this show. It's not exactly appointment TV for me, but when I'm watching it, I'm completely enthralled, and I just love how it really makes you feel like you're part of their family because their love is portrayed in such a realistic way (over dramatic, of course, but the general idea of everybody fighting and everything going wrong but it's your family and you wouldn't have it any other way).
Do you know what scares me? I haven't mentioned Damian Lewis in about a week. That is highly unusual. So, I'm mentioning him now.
I bet you guys have missed that, haven't you? I have.
Okay, I'm going back to Jack and Liz now.