Bye bye summer vaca, hello work....

Aug 20, 2006 21:37

So a week from tomorrow is my first day back at school...and all those wonderful lil children I get to spend my days with will be joining me 2 days later. There is a part of me that is so dreading going back...which of course makes it more stressful to think about. The other part of me is dying to get back into the routine and see the kids. I'm going to try to focus on the positive. Going by the school tomorrow to start working on my classroom since they aren't giving us much time in the first 2 days....lots of meetings.

Got see an adorable newborn today. Friends of ours had a little boy yesterday (on my anniversary - 11 years), and we went to visit today. He is soooooo cute!

Well, thats really it for now...nothing terribly exciting in my life at the moment. I'm sure that will I'll keep you all posted. =)
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