Feb 24, 2007 19:51
I just had a couple of things that I wanted to talk to you about. And maybe you'd think that it's silly that I'm writing them down here, since you don't even know this journal exists and - therefore - can't read it. And the truth of the matter is that if you DID know it existed, I would take down a bunch of the old entries that I have up for the simple fact of the matter is that I wouldn't want you to know how much I've written about you...and that I'm not positive how you would feel about me writing about you on a public forum where all my friends can read it. But here's the thing - just because you don't know this exists doesn't mean that you won't someday know. In which case, this will be one of the entries I've left up, and you can read it then. And the real simple truth is that just because you're not around doesn't mean that I don't want to talk to you, doesn't mean that I don't have several conversations stored up in my head that I want to have with you at more appropriate moments than right after a show or over the ice cream counter while we sip our milkshakes.
I was just listening to your Soul Journey demo again, and it struck me to listen to the changes that you made in your old songs. Because those songs were always good - but you must have listened to them over the years and tinkered. You must play those songs all the time and go, "Oh, what if I put this harmony here? And lowered the drum a little? And added a few more bells?" And to me, that's fascinating. I love that you can go in there and tinker with something that you've already created...like me, editing what I've written. I think that the recording aspect of music is really amazing and intruiging, and I'm not just saying that to get you to like me, and I'm not just saying that because I'm a groupie (and I wrote a little song about that yesterday that I'd love to show you, but we'll get to that at another point). Plus, you and Mike...you're just growing so much as musicians. It strikes me at every show. The more I watch, the more you improve. Because you both want to improve - because what you say at your shows isn't just a bunch of BS, this is what you both love doing. And when you love doing something, you put in the hours to fix it and change it and make it as great as possible. To contemplate the fact that just because you wrote and recorded it doesn't mean it's perfect. That change and growth is still possible. And I admire that. I respect that.
My stomach is growling. That's because I haven't eaten dinner yet. Which is another thing you should probably know about me - I often eat meals late or skip them altogether even if I'm hungry because I'll contemplate the food that I have in the house, realize that nothing interests me, and decide to not even bother. Or I'll get absorbed in a project or a conversation or something else. That's just who I am. I love eating. I love food. But sometimes, I love the other stuff that I'm doing just a little bit more. But once I stop writing this, I will go eat. Or at the very least, feed the kittens. Who are asleep at my kneecaps and could care less about any of this.
I've had "A Cloud and Some Lemonade" stuck in my head for 3 days now. I just thought you should know that, and also that I would be willing to pay you an absurd amount of money if you would actually record that for me because it's my absolute favourite of any of your songs. I always like it when musicians take another person's words and turn it into a song. And I think that one of the reasons I like that song so much is the story behind it. I am, as we all know, a fan of stories.
This morning, when I woke up, I was thinking of family, for some reason, and it got me wondering about your family. I started thinking about how my sisters call me Hesh, and always have, and how Tonya gave you a goodnight hug and kiss and said, "I love you, monkey" before she went to sleep, and I really wanted to know where that came from, and how long it's been around. And if everyone calls you that, or if it's just her. I'm sure there are a zillion other things I could ask...but that's the one I was thinking of this morning.
In any case, that's pretty much it. Well, no, there's more. Lots more. But this space is limited and I do want some food and apart from all that...I don't want to have these conversations with an imaginary you. I want to actually have you here, to show you where I live (before I up and move), to be sitting here on this couch, drinking tea, and listening to you tell me the answers to all the questions I ask and some I didn't even know I had.