Mmm... Velvet Underground. The band brings back so many memories of how IV used to be...
Tonight was the hayride. And even though there were only eleven of us, it was great. Kelly, Jesse, Chris and I (and to an extent Maggie and Holly) spent much of the hayride part itself stuffing each other with straw and wrestling around. It was great. There were about two minutes or so where Jesse and I just sat there with me shoving straw up his pant leg and him shoving it up my shirt (in the back). And Kelly attacked the front of my shirt--she's allowed to do it, she's another girl. Yeah.
The bonfire was also really good... Jessica and I both brought our guitars, and Jessica pulled out her songbook and we sat there and played for probably about two hours learning new songs and playing old favorites. I wanted to go to Kelly's after to play Worms, but most people were too tired--Jessica and Chris both had long drives yet, the Neimeyer people actually left early (the horrors), and Becca and Holly and Jesse were all just putzes who decided to be spoilsports.
But yeah... fun times...
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