
Feb 20, 2011 21:36

Name: Kate
Personal LJ: leadengine
Contact Info: dolecup@aim
Other Characters Played: N/A
Preferred Housing: 335 Brady

Character Name: Castiel, Angel of the Lord
Character Series: Supernatural, from post S5 finale.
Character Age: AGELESS. OLDER THAN YOU KNOW. etc. His vessel is in his 30s. (Misha Collins, his actor, is 36.)

Personality: For someone--something, really--without emotions, Castiel is surprisingly, well, emotional. Initially, Castiel comes across as cold and unfeeling, believing in God and His word, and his own duties to the Lord. For Cas, there is no greater accomplishment than doing what He commands. Unfortunately, it's doing what He commands that Cas begins his unfortunate journey down the path of humanity and questioning after pulling Dean Winchester back out of Hell.

Castiel had never been one to question his Faith, but being around the brothers changes him. It's almost as though their humanity sticks to him and refuses to let go. He begins thinking past the orders, past the mindless Faith in Him, and that's when Cas really begins to grow as a person (and character). At the core of his personality, Cas is curious. He wants to know everything he can--and while, yes, he's been around for millenia and probably knows almost everything a person can about the world, he doesn't really get humans, and everything they do is, for Cas, something interesting. He loves humans, loves them as God told angels to, loves them more than that probably, and watching Dean and Sam's journey has only reinforced that feeling.

He's extremely observant, something that helps feed his curiosity. If he sees something (and he will) he will ask an awkward question about it.

Cas is also extremely trusting and always believes in the best in people. Perhaps it's because he's an angel, or that's what people would think, but judging by his brothers and sisters, Castiel is a rarity. He honestly believes that humans are inherently good and that everyone can prove themselves worthy. Of course, this is fine when you're an angel, but without his powers this could be a bit of an issue. Cas hasn't quite grasped the whole "can't trust everyone" thing (unless they're demon scum) so he could quite easily get himself into trouble.

Castiel is also a very hard worker. To the point where it is almost an issue. He gets obsessively focused on things, and usually needs to be dragged away for his own well being. He has that laser sharp focus that's useful sometimes, but is a hindrance others. Regardless, he will get a job done, if you ask it of him.

The thing is, Cas is very insecure. After basically having everything he ever believed thrown back at him, he doesn't really know what to think half the time. And this scares him. It terrifies him, actually, and he hates that he feels this way. But at the same time, it's kind of thrilling, knowing he's not following corrupt orders. However, his Faith gets him through, knowing that despite God not necessarily being around, He still has a plan.

So far, Castiel has not regained anything. Castiel has regained two things: his wings, via the postman, and his sword.

He is completely human and without the creature comforts of his typical wardrobe. Thus, here is a list of possible abilities for him to regain, not including the basic concept of his Grace (because that would give him all these things).

In fact, I'm operating under the concept that he still HAS his Grace, it has simply been sealed or something so he can't use it. Otherwise, it would be one regain, and that would be a LOT of powers to regain at one time!

-Flight/his wings
-Silver angel sword
-Teleport (himself and other people)
-Calm nightmares
-Pop into people's dreams to talk to them
-Find anyone, anywhere
-Exorcise demons
-Repel demons
-Speak Enochian
-Cast various blood spells
-Crazy lightning
-Hide people from angels and demons
-Put people to sleep
-Heal wounds/illness
-Cause wounds/illness
-Possess people deemed "vessels"
-Fight with his special angel sword that disappears into acme space
-Read minds
-Able to live without food, water, sleep, or breathing


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