"For a limited time", Josh Doyle is putting up his five-track EP End of Fear for free download at
his web site. Plus, if you're so inclined, you can see him surrounded by balls of many colours.
Note: the offer has now ended. But take a look at Josh's site anyway, as well as the Dum Dums'. There are free tracks to be found if you look carefully enough.
[pauses as Dum-Dums fans trample each other in the rush.]
For those still here, Josh Doyle was one of the UK pop-punk trio
Dum-Dums round about the turn of the century. They released one rather good album, including possibly the best love song ever written*, wrote most of another, but fell out with the record company over the direction they should take and called its day. And that opened the door for a band called Busted that some of the younger viewers may have heard of... You can find more, including some downloads, on
their website.
Josh's stuff is a little less punky, a little more thoughtful, but it's still good. Give it a whirl.
*Come on: it had the line I would die to spend my life with you, and made it work.