
Dec 09, 2007 21:51

Having spent every spare moment I had this weekend studying, I have made a couple observations:

(01) I am not as stupid as I thought I was; I understand the things that are going on in class (with the help of the textbook, as well as copious help from Google, Wikipedia, and the Macrogalleria). I just haven't been putting the required weekly work ( Read more... )

i hate studying, grad school, studying sucks a nut, investments in my future

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venefica_aura December 10 2007, 12:47:57 UTC
Oh god, you're reminding me how much I slacked off this weekend. My final's on Thursday.

(01) Yeah, this class? DECEPTIVE. Apparently doing the homework on time every week and making sure it's all right IS NOT ENOUGH.

(02) You're telling me.

(03) My sister's birthday party thing was yesterday. At least I did some on Friday/Saturday.

(04) Have one. ^^ It's like, my desk from when I was eight or so. My dad made it.

(06) Good idea.

(07) I will remember that next time the people at work try to talk me into going into education and informatics for grad school.

(08) I miss sleep.



first_seventhe December 10 2007, 12:55:03 UTC
Re: (07) - Maybe it is just me being a wuss again. But seriously, I do NOT remember putting this much work into undergrad. I never had to read the text weekly, or go over notes before they'd been taught in class, or teach myself off the internet, or anything like that. Just sayin'.

(08) - Oh, god, me too. Especially today...


venefica_aura December 10 2007, 12:59:43 UTC
(08) Yeah, I made the mistake of also watching that Tin Man mini-series on Sci-Fi. XD BUT IT WAS GOOD. Hence I got extra no sleep.



first_seventhe December 10 2007, 13:33:16 UTC
I am much, much too old to be up until 1am studying. Seriously.

Coffee is my friend today.


venefica_aura December 10 2007, 15:16:54 UTC
Would you like for me to upload your EP today? Because it's so done and so so so dancey. I even have the cover done. It's very girly.



first_seventhe December 10 2007, 15:31:36 UTC
OOOOOOOOOOOOH I AM SO EXCITED!! Although I won't get to listen to it until tonight because work is lame with anything harder than the basic Internets.


venefica_aura December 10 2007, 15:38:37 UTC
S'cool. I upload at work because it's kind of the opposite here. The internets are so fast.

Plus, it'll take me a bit to get the liner notes together. THANK GOD I WAS AWESOME ABOUT WAKING UP TODAY AND HAVE MY SHIT TOGETHER.

But I'll make an F-lock post about it sometime today and it will be there for your pluck-age. I'll prolly upload lassarina's tomorrow, then, since it's also done. Funny how the happy music and the angsty music ones were the easiest to do Quistis is being hard with music, after "Metal Heart" proved to be the most perfect song ever, nothing lives up to it




first_seventhe December 10 2007, 15:45:57 UTC
HOORAY! This was an awesome Christmas idea, BTW. Seriously. :P

Our work internets are probably fast but the computers are so fucking slow that it doesn't matter one way or the other. >.>


venefica_aura December 10 2007, 15:50:22 UTC
Ah. Reason #23432 I like being able to use my laptop (which is still shiny) at work. That sucks.

And it was a good idea, because it's a little easier than writing and yet still manages to be just as dorky. I am so glad I dabble in nearly all aspects of copyright violation fandom.



first_seventhe December 10 2007, 15:59:05 UTC
I thought about doing Christmas fic, but I still owe people AU-verses from the last meme I did - and they were all AWESOME, so I still plan on writing them - and so I didn't.

The first year I did Christmas fic I managed to write all of it, though some was late. I am fairly sure that I didn't write any of it the second year, though. Hah.


venefica_aura December 10 2007, 16:09:07 UTC
Yeah, I kind of said, "wow, I keep promising and not delivering... let's do something less creatively taxing".

That and constantly having headphones on and thus getting pinged on songs helps.



first_seventhe December 10 2007, 16:16:42 UTC
Well, that's why it's such an awesome idea... you don't have to 'create' anything, just pull it all together. So it's still a sweet gift, with much less down-time. XD

You realize I have half of your AU written, right? Elena shows up in Garden and becomes an Instructor with Quistis and... well, I think it'll be sweet. XD


... I might kill her.


venefica_aura December 10 2007, 16:21:33 UTC
That's my fault, actually. I was looking for Tseng and Elena pics to make a cover for lassarina's EP, and I ran across that and went "WTF WHUT?"

And then proceeded to make fun of Nomura's lack of new designs and start saying, "omg, that looks like so and so's kid".

But then she said, "THEY'RE ALL SNAPETTES" and we died laughing.

I need to get her more stuff to do, clearly.



first_seventhe December 10 2007, 16:32:51 UTC
It is kind of sad, really.


venefica_aura December 10 2007, 16:35:59 UTC
Well, Amano wasn't much better. YES THEY ARE BLONDE AND HAVE PRETTY HAIR AND FAR TOO MUCH JEWELRY (except Rydia).

This is the problem with having the same designer for a whole bunch of a series. XD



first_seventhe December 10 2007, 16:51:11 UTC


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