
Dec 09, 2007 21:51

Having spent every spare moment I had this weekend studying, I have made a couple observations:

(01) I am not as stupid as I thought I was; I understand the things that are going on in class (with the help of the textbook, as well as copious help from Google, Wikipedia, and the Macrogalleria). I just haven't been putting the required weekly work into these classes. This needs to change next year, apparently: more studying every weekend, which will make me a robotard nerd, but oh well.

(02) I hate studying.

(03) I hate having to be a loser and study. At least I'm grown-up enough to do it?

(04) I wish I had a real place to study. Goals for next year: obtain a working desk area!

(05) I hate studying.

(06) I especially hate memorization. I almost asked the prof in today's review session what he thought he was actually teaching us by making us memorize so much information, but... I decided to wait until after the actual exam to be a huge smartass. (See? SEE? I AM a grownup!)

(07) Grad school is a lot more work than undergrad, even part-time. Maybe it's because so far I'm in the ass-kicking intro classes; maybe it's because I've moved out of my degree/area of expertise (chemical engineering). It's probably a combination of that. But it's ALSO the fact that grad school is just a lot more fucking work. Cocks.

(08) I miss football.

Back to the books. First final Monday, second final Wednesday.

i hate studying, grad school, studying sucks a nut, investments in my future

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