this was a very full, very long, very up-and-down weekend

Apr 16, 2012 11:48

  • I have been really, really, really messed up over this poor cat.

    Thank you to everybody who left me such sweet messages on my delirious/distraught/deranged entry (extra thanks to
    justira and
    notraffic and Jeff for emailing/texting/talking me through it all weekend). I didn't reply because I was trying not to think about it (which didn't really work; I can't get my mind off of the technicolor instant replay :/ ) but I really appreciate all the little notes and e-hugs.

    I spent Thursday night crying by myself. I'm an idiot because I don't actually remember the last time I full-out cried over any single thing and I spent pretty much five hours sobbing on Thursday. I have a dumb little glass tealight holder shaped like a sleeping cat and I got one of my pine-scented lights in that and lit the candle in the poor thing's remembrance. And hugged all of my own little shitheads.

    In conclusion, I was torn as to whether I should do something with its body (call the cops? treat like roadkill? illegal sneaky sobbing drunken burial ceremony? animal control and the humane society both refused to help), or whether I should leave the remains so that if it was a family's cat they could at least find it and get some closure themselves. My self-compromise was that I would just not drive past for a few days, and if it was still in the field/yard today, I would call the cops or the local roads dept. Well, I drove past this morning, and the poor little thing was still there. This makes me think maybe it wasn't a house cat, because wouldn't you be looking by now? So I called the local police and they are going to send someone to pick it up. Closure for me I guess.
  • I cut a lot of my hair off on Friday. It's short. very short. super-short in the back. I like it, but it's a bit of a shock to suddenly be fuzzy. It will take a while to get used to, and I'll probably still complain about it because I have massive hair issues, but hey, I did it. I've wanted short hair for years but I've been too scared to go for it.
  • We ran a 5K on Saturday morning. Here is a cute picture of me and Katy:

    I have mixed feelings on how I did. My time was ~29:20, which is a full minute slower than I ran the same race last year, which is a bummer since I spent 2011 running my ass off. However, coming off of a severe arthritic injury in my toe and only two weeks of training whatsoever, I'm fairly happy with still being able to pull under 30 minutes, even if I'm worse than last year. So oh well etc. At least I did the race; hopefully I'll only improve from here.
  • Saturday afternoon/evening I threw a party to celebrate Katy's thesis being done. We burned it. We filled a grill with charcoal and her thesis and lit it on fire and cooked steak and salmon and tilapia over its smoldering remains. Of course it rained because Ohio is a jerk, but with the help of some lighter fluid and safety_caesars's trusty umbrella, we made it work.

    Afterwards there was eating and drinking and more drinking.
  • DOINK! sign-ups have closed! This year's prompts are pretty cool! I'm always -- I'm always so torn about talking about the exchange; on one hand I feel like mod stuff should be private stuff but on another hand I feel like maybe if people knew what mods went through behind-the-scenes (and what we, specifically, go through trying to make awesome >1/4 hand matches for everyone) maybe it would help fans be more helpful. Then again on my third hand probably nobody cares as to how awesome my spreadsheet prioritizing macro is and how excited we get over bitty things, and probably everybody's more interested in getting their assignment than in how they get their assignment. XD

    Either way thanks to everybody who signed up, and know that I am specifically eyeing your prompts this week with glory in mind.
  • My week is already booked up with meetings. I already only have Wednesday and Thursday afternoons to get any actual lab work done, and that is likely to change by the time I get there. What is my job. I'm already exhausted and it is MONDAY LUNCHTIME.
  • On Thursday evening I am going to play drums with a Sheryl Crow cover/tribute band. Yes, I know, Sheryl Crow, everybody hates her. I don't have strong feelings about her music one way or another: I like some of it, dislike some of it, and am ambivalent on the rest depending on my mood. But what I really do like is playing drums and since Snafubar seems to have fallen off the rails I am actually really excited to (a) be playing again and (b) be playing with new people. I enjoy live music - and drumming - so much that it really doesn't matter what it is; I'll play almost anything. So we'll see how that goes. Even if it doesn't stick permanently, I'm excited to play around with them some because I've been such a musical zero lately and I really miss it.
  • On Saturday I'll be giving a presentation at a local AIChE event to ~300 chemical engineers. FFFFFUUUUUUU actually that's a lie I like public speaking and giving presentations; I'll also be judging a technical poster contest and "networking" at a lunch. What the fuck is networking anyway. In my experience networking doesn't really do a whole lot but hey. Free lunch. That's a lot of people to talk in front of though.
  • ACen is coming up. Yayyyyy/ughhhhhh. I am really excited to see
    lassarina and
    astrangerenters and
    crankyoldman but I am not really excited for the drive and also not overly thrilled about another exhausting weekend when what I need is a break but........ HEY WHATEVER, I will be excited about it once I get there.

    And then there's Otakon, ohgod/ohfuck I can't even think that far ahead.
  • Lunch is over! BACK TO WORK. Three back-to-back meetings coming up (1:30-2:30, 2:30-3, 3-4) and then slides until you diiiieeeeeee

This entry was originally posted at, which has
comments. Comment there (with OpenID) or here, it's all good.

i am the project leader of doom!, adventures with katy, if it's not rough it isn't fun, acen 2012, just start stapling things, epic battles: sev vs her liver, how i love free food, j-squad, demigods of drunk, series: weekend update, epic battles: sev vs her hair, slides 'til you die, my asshole children, it's frigging april, self-centered posting: on, running: 5k, ohio weather is shite, this took me 5 hours to write at work, tim curry is judging you, otakon: 2012, doink 2012, i have scheduled a meeting in my pants

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